Dave’s 40k @ 40 Bash – 1500pts Tyranids Vs Riptides, erm I mean Tau

I’ll be honest here my army list is codenamed ‘Ripped Tights’, it’s been adjusted but way back when Liam started running Riptides in droves I wondered what I would do should I ever face them. Shortly thereafter I had some success with the Genestealer and I realised that as Riptides are Monstrous creatures then Toxin Stealers might be the answer. Well, we shall see.

Psychic Powers
Winged Tyrant  Tervigon Plain Tr
Psychic Scream Onslaught
Warp Blast Dominion

The low down:

  • Spoils of War – Dawn of War
  • Warlord Trait – Warlord and three units have Infiltrate!
  • Unsure on night fighting , I think it was first turn and who won deployment etc. 

First of all setup as Liam came to the board he was slightly concerned that one side had more objectives closer to the DZ so as I won setup I let him have that side as it had the ruins in anyway which I could infiltrate Stealers into. I’m 2:0 up, but I’m under strict instructions from the wife that I can’t win the prize, so I really don’t care and then I roll my warlord trait! How much fun is infiltrating 3 units and Warlord going to be!

What originally seemed like a simple plan becomes complex, which units do I Infiltrate? Then I make the mistake of discussing it with PeteB who’s decided to watch our game after the Eldar one. Now I’ve been on the other side of this sort of casual tactical debate and I didn’t like it, it feels like you’re being ganged up on, so I can only apologise to Liam for not thinking how it would come across. Eventually I decide to put Stealers in the ruins, the central tower and the tower on the far right and the last unit behind the Bastion, for back field. Meanwhile the Tervigon is in the Tyrannocyte, y’know for giggles!

And I decide on the 30 Termagants, a Dakkafex and the Flyrant, that sit in the top left behind the futuristic containers. I realise now this is only two units and the Warlord Infiltrating! Doh! I’d been umming and ahhing so much I didn’t put the second Dakkafex or the Venomthrope with them.

With the Stealers in the Towers we debate just how tough these building are. I’ve been playing these as AV14 all day and it’s not been an issue but Liam believes this is OTT. Which is fair comment but all I’m concerned about is if I agree to AV12 then that’s a bit unfair on Ben and Otty who’ve faced AV14 all day. Eventually we reach a compromise and dice roll, 1-2 it’s AV12, 3-4 AV13 and 5-6 AV14 and we end up with AV13 buildings.

With most of the Tau on the right flank most of Liam’s first turn will be spent repositioning but they’re mobile enough to do just that. He does however manage to secure first Blood by roasting most of the Genestealers in the ruins

The [now broken, it got dropped] Tau XV109 Y’Vahra Battlesuit switches on it’s stealth cloak but the exposed flamer is sufficent enough to allow the Dakka Fex and Flyrant to draw a bead on, taking off two wounds. The Fire Warriors in the ruins suffered devastating losses but they stayed their ground.

The Carnifex had to bash it’s way through the containers to get into range, barely! Once again I tried to use Psychic Scream but was denied. Seriously! There isn’t even a Psychic entity on the board and it’s stopping me from getting a power off [yes I know the Tau are psychically null but it’s just wrong!]

The Termagants were not so forthcoming as theire bigger brothers moved off, only moving 2″ from their initial Infiltration. By the end of turn one I’ve somehow managed to score 2VPs to Liam’s First Blood and 1 objective VP.

In my Turn 2 the Tyrannocyte arrives and disgorges the Tervigon who also spawns giving me plenty to hold onto the objective should it become active, which it might have, as I recorded another 2VPs scored this turn. Current score is 4:2 to me

The flyrant moved the minimum to still be in range of the three Riptides and hopefully get Psychic Scream off, not! But I did manage to wound one of them at least. I must point out that during the game Liam moved the wounded Riptide. In return it took a wound.

Here it is on top of the Tower, although he moved it down eventually and in the process misplaced the ‘wound dice’ he’d allocated to it. When we realised I laughingly, railed against him because that very days blog post had referenced such an event. Of course I knew full well that he makes his own wound markers and as this army is still ‘in progress’ they hadn’t yet been created. However, it was a reminder that even the best of us make that mistake, so think on kids!

Riptides blasted the Tervigon to pieces taking many Termagants with it. This got Liam a VP for killing a Psyker. I was still in the lead, but in this tun Liam scores 2 VPs drawing us even on 4:4.

The Fire Warriors in the Skyshield rained fire on the Flyrant managing to get two wounds on it, time was running out, I’d got a Maelstrom objective that if I could kill a Flyer or Flying Monstrous Creature, which the Tau XV109 Y’Vahra Battlesuit is I’d get a VP. Also another Riptide had landed next to one of the towers filled with Toxin Stealers. It was contesting an objective that Liam needed to win but equally in this mission I can ‘steal’ his VP if I can get to the objective first. So I moved the Stealers out and swooped the Flyrant between the other two to shoot and hopefully pull of the Scream…

Oh, yeah, I forgot I had to do a grounding test on the Flyrant because of his wounds from the Fire Warriors, he failed and on a 2 was smeared across the iron rich Ferron Proxima wasteland! This gained Liam Slay the Warlord and another Maelstrom objective VP taking him to 6. However I somehow manage to gain a VP, presumably from holding and objective as I wasn’t killing anything, and that puts us on 6:5

The Genestealers burst from the building but the Riptide was overwatching on 5+ and twinlinked, ultimately only one Genestealer made it into combat.

and was stomped flat by the Riptide after it managed to cause one rend on it’s battlesuit. This allowed Liam to secure the objective and win and with another one his end VPs were 8. I managed another objective VP bringing me up to 6 although I probably had Line Breaker too, so the final score was most likely 8:7

Which means Liam won the 40k addict 40k @ 40 Bash – look at his little face with the coveted trophy, not to mention the £40 worth of GW vouchers my wife included in the prize! And to think he went from the Blog Wars 8 loser spot to this in a matter of a few months! 😉

I can’t convey just how much I needed this. Aside from it being fun to be with your mates and for us to finally play a game this year but that 40 number can be a big deal and particularly the events surround this day in previous years. I’d been first thing to the car park where my Dad was knocked down and put some flowers there to remember him by. It was quite emotional but then the simple camaraderie of playing toy soldiers for the day helped get me through, so thanks guys, and als a big thanks to Jo, Ben’s wife for letting me hold it at their house and another big thanks to my wife for suggesting/supporting it  and my own kids for letting me out for the day when they may have wanted me to celebrate with them.
UPDATE: Liam reminded me that Psychic Scream did in fact get manifested, it took wounds off all three Riptides and was instrumental, alongside the Brainleech worms in destroying the Fire Warriors. funnily enough when I mentioned it I suddenly had this vivid memory of one of his Leadership dice rolls that stripped a lot of wounds off something. Understandably this suddenly became the biggest threat to him, hence why he was so scared when the Flyrant swooped next to them again late in the game only to be relieved when I remembered I’d not done the grounding check so we moved it back, rolled, failed, died and won Liam the game!

Blog Wars 8 1850pt battle report game 3 – nids vs Tau

Gareth Newton Williams was my last game with his Tau on a Skyshield. By this stage I’m relegated to one of the lower tables, with PeteB on the next to bottom and Liam on the last with Blog Wars very own founder Alex. We all started to have a great laugh with PeteB opposite another PeteB and his Necrons who proudly exclaimed he didn’t run the usual suspects, no Annihilation Barges, Flyers or all the other usual cheesy nonsense, y’know the stuff my mate Ben takes. But with perfect comedic timing Gareth interjected with the line ‘and that would explain you playing on the bottom tables’! We just fell about laughing and that set the tone for the game. Even with a highly time-sensitive mission where every palyer turn after game turn 1 allows you to score points Gareth and I chatted amd discussed things like my not taking the Skyshield, which would have been fun opposite his

Psychic Powers
Winged Tyrant  Tervigon Plain Tr Tervigon Miasma
The Horror Warp Blast Paroxysm
Warp Blast Dominion Dominion

The low down:

  • I won deployment, elected to go first but typically lost the initiatve, go Tau shooters
  • Warlord Trait – Deathleaper has Mindeater – +2VP for every IC slain in a challeneg
  • Night fighting not turn 1 [also typical against a Tau gunline].

The last thing I needed was to lose the initiative and night fighting. With my Hive Tyrant on top of the Bastion and Venomthrope outside he was just in cover range but some of my other units were outside, which if he’d been in the Bastion they’d be safer.

    As it was all these guys on the Skyshield, together with the Markerlights from the Pathfinders in the woods dropped a couple of wounds on the Flyrant, who at least couldn’t be grounded.

    Mmm, some Pirannahs…

    Further fire from the Skyshield took out two Hive Guard and put a wound on the Carnifex. Even a couple of Stealers got killed despite their excellent cover. It’s all for nught when the Tau can ignore it with their Smart Missiles – like Impaler Cannons but fired by creatures with a Ballistic Skill and can see more than 24″ [no I’m not bitter! they’re probably half the points n’all! ruddy fish ‘eads]

    With my turn I swooped forwards hoping to end the Pathfinders, maybe causing them to rout, but to no avail. Genestealers headed to distract, they can’t assault after Infiltrate anyway.

    Lost of gaunts spawned, double figures for both and I rushed to swamp the objectives so that I would still be holding them all at the end of Gareth’s turn 2 and get me my first VPs [note Deathleaper is not on the board there he’s waiting to Deep Strike]

    The Flyrant gets killed, it helps when you can just add Skyfire to your units. The lead brood of Stealers, First Blood is gone at least.

    Second unit of Genestealers gets wiped out too losing the objective, perhaps if they’d just been in range of the Shrouded Bastion they may have survived. I get 2 VPs from the other two objectives.

    Deathleaper arrives in my turn. I manage to position him so the Riptides can’t Intercept. There’s no angle for the one on the Skyshield and hes’d hidden fromt he one that jumped off. It’s Flesh Hooks rake the back of the Tau [whatever it is] but do nothing. I also moved the unit of Gaunts with the Carnifex up to my unsecured objective but within range of the Bastion which gets me another 3VPs [5:1]

    Having lost one of the Pirannahs to the charging Stealers the remaining three adopted a protective formation to hide their weaker rear armour and promptly removed the larger brood of Stealers from play. I still held all thre objectives so this takes me to 8:1

    In a bold move Deathleaper clambers onto the Skyshield declaring he wants to challenge the Ethereal. Gareth is astounded by the temerity of such a challenge and agrees that if he can get passed all the overwatch he’ll accept.

    The fact is even just the supporting Overwatch from the Riptide is enough to wipe the Galaxy’s ultimate assassin from the face of the planet! Bye, bye Deathleaper, you suck. I may go for Old One Eye or the Swarmlord in a Tyrannocyte next time. So Gareth gets Slay the Warlord but I collect another 3 VPs from objectives making it 11:2

    I continued to spawn double figure Termagants [for time throwing down genestealers instead of rooting around my myriad takeaway tubs], but obviously you can see there’s a triple 1 in that dice roll. Well those five dice are my Tervigon’s saving throws from the Pirannahs…

    and here’s what’s left the termagants when their brood mother goes POP. Gareth seemed to be unaware of this unexpected bonus so with renewd vigour tried to pop the other Tervigon taking it to just 1 wound left. Despite this and some gaunts routing and some resorting to Instinctive behaviour I still hold all the objectives taking the score to 14:2.

    Gareth continues to pour fire into my dwindling bugs and I make numerous cover saves in the trees as the Tau enact deforestation on levels similar to those seen in the Amazon. The last Tervigon hides behind the Bastion but Longsight moves off the Skyshield and manages to target it with Smart Missiles. The Missiles swoop round the Bastion and score a wound…

    So much for it’s armour save, the Tervigon pops, taking another slew of its babies with them but I still manage to stay on the objectives.

    With the final turn in play [well I mean, as time runs out] I score another 3 VPs taking the final score to 17:2. The Tau managed to perform a great display of precision shooting but failed to grasp the tactic of holding an objective.

    Having a chat with Gareth I think he felt the same way Ben did when we played, by advancing on the objectives he would have been exposed to some teeth and claws, although I doubt I’d have got too many kills on the armoured or high toughness models. I think the Skyshield influences you to stay put too. Of course Tau can do that with their long range firepower but when you pay for this defensive stronghold it creates a mindset to stay on it for as long as possible. Ultimately he left it too late to capture the objectives but I think that was also because I’d spawned particularly well and had surrounded each point with so many bodies [something I didn’t have the opportunity with when I played Ben].

    It was a great game, which sadly didn’t reflect the damage Gareth had wrought but as I always say you have to play the mission. But we had a whole lot of fun and I managed to come away with a win so at least ‘nids are better than Dark Eldar 😉
    One other point of note is how Gareth achievd his digital camo. This was revealed in another lengthy chat mid-game when we should have been attempting to score objectives. He sprayed the models with a Dark Green and then applied the sponge sticky pads used in decoupage to mask areas off then sprayed the lighter colour on top. He still has to add some shading but I thought it was a really clever and effective trick, so thought I’d share.

    Scythe & Teacup 1850pt battle report – nids vs Tau with Eldar Allies – game 3

    Leo was my final match and unlike current Throne of Skulls this was a tournament where you were paired alongside someone who had been equally successful. So Leo had won both his games up until this point and as we started I could tell he wanted to win much more than I did. But it was my second time against Tau and there was some interesting cover to hide from his gunline. I elected to outflank the Tervigon to capture an objective and deep strike the spare Flyrant for more giggles.

    Leo picked me up on my Psychic Power rolling, I usually do both at once but you’re supposed to do one and then choose whether to swap for Primaris so you don’t get to keep a better roll. Although, I’ve never actually used the Primaris when I’ve swapped and I do it all at once to save time not gain an advantage so it’s down to what’s more important. I’ll keep a Haemorrhage on low Toughness opponents, otherwise I’ll swap for Smite[and that’s only since playing alongside Dan at Battle Brothers]. I don’t swap any other powers for Primaris so I’m not sure it makes any difference on Biomancy but he had a point, it is the rules, so maybe that’s an important lesson to learn.

    Psychic Powers
    Winged Tyrant HQ Winged Tyrant Tervigon CC TR Tervigon Plain Tr
    Endurance Enfeeble Life Leech Iron Arm
    Haemorrhage Life Leech Endurance Life Leech
    Doom of Malan’tai

     Psychic Shriek

    The low down:

    • 3 Relics, equally spaced
    • Dawn of War
    • Line breaker and Slay the Warlord, no First Blood
    • I won deployment but elected to go second.
    • Warlord Trait – Night fighting [which was of no use]
    I tried to keep everything hidden.
    But with Tau, even the most distant item can usually be targeted by something.

    As you can see I had quite an array of firepower set against me. I know there’s Fire Warriors in that left Devilfish.

    I’m not even sure what half of that stuff is but there’s another unit of Fire Warriors in the right Devilfish. There’s also an Eldar Autarch on a Jetbike behind the Tau at the back, with two squads of 3 Jetbikes in reserve and two units of Kroot outflanking.

    Leo, took great exception to my Mawloc and as it was the most exposed gribbly on the board it took 4 wounds in turn one! Still, my more valuable units were saved thanks to this and it was not going to be there next turn anyway 😉

    Everything else moved forwards.

    I think at this point I was humming the theme tune to Pacific Rim as the Riptide [Jaeger] headed for my Tervigon [Kaiju]. Anyway, the Fire Warriors managed to get the first Relic, although I did surprise Leo by pointing out they could in fact get back into their transport next turn and skim off, he’d been under the impression you couldn’t take the Relic on board transports. At this point I was getting really tired and was half a mind just to say to Leo I wasn’t in it to win, just wanted a good game and just sit back and let him roll over me, hence suggesting how he could win, but I thought that would be the wrong thing to do. ‘Conceding’ the game would have been a disservice to the other people who would have wanted my place on table 2 so I knuckled down and carried on.

    My plain Tervigon spawned the magic 15 and they headed for my left Relic. 

    Biovores took shelter in the Bastion, but also so they were in range of more fish heads. 

    8 of my gaunts got vaporised. I think the Riptide took a dislike to them.

    But they succeeded in capturing the Relic. Everything came on in turn 2 but I managed to deviate the Mawloc from smacking a Devilfish, Tetra and Hammerhead and instead caught the back of the Devilfish causing a hull point and killing 7 of my newly arrived Devgaunts!

    My Warlord Flyrant headed for his back field to rear armour some skimmers. My Ymgarls awoke but no matter which target I assaulted all the Tau within 6″ get to Overwatch – Fire Warriors, Devilfish and Riptide. Somehow just one died and the Warriors were slaughtered. Leo was annoyed with himself for not passing the Relic to a Warrior further back so it wasn’t dropped where he’d picked it up but I’m not sure that’s possible anyway. You pick it up at the end of your movement phase and you can pass it on at the end of your movement phase. If you’ve picked it up your movement phase has ended, therefore you can only pass it on at the end of your next movement phase. Anyway, it didn’t matter the Relic was dropped in place.

    My Flyrant had been pretty poor with his shooting, I think I split targets instead of going in for the kill. The Devilfish has taken 2 hull points but now the Flyrant is a swooping duck and meanwhile the second unit of Fire Warriors have secured the far right Relic but I have my Devgaunts behind them and my CC Tervigon has outflanked handily on the right side just out of shot. The Mawloc looks to have been shot down too, given it’s no longer towering over the twisted bodies of my own Devgaunts!

    My gaunts are all killed thanks to Markerlights as my Tervigon was +3 Iron Armed and nothing much could harm it with 4 wounds left. A squad of Kroot outflanked next to it.

    The Doom had come on, sucked the life from all but one of the sniper drones and wounded the Tau commander as well as a Battlesuit but he was instakilled by some plasma weapon – two saves he was forced to make this game! The space marine bikes are the Eldar Jet Bike proxies finally arrived in turn 3 [or 4].

    My Flyrant takes another wound but I think he went on to kill the Tau Commander gaining me Slay the Warlord.

    And that’s the last of the pictures but obviously not of the game. By this time were running short of time. I was being pressed to speed things up but it was hampered by the fact one of the guys on the table to my left had decided to sit down in a chair in the gap between the two tables. At first I could get round to Leo’s side but then he moved further back an I was having to run round my table and back along Leo’s side to get to my Tervigon in the far right corner. When you’re having to do a 9-10m jog every time you want to move a figure that’s going to impact how fast you can get stuff done, it also takes hit’s toll physically.
    Anyway, my Tervigon on the right managed to assault the big blob of Kroot that had outflanked over there. Meanwhile I’d spawned a lot of gaunts into the gap between the spore pod, Tervigon, Kroot and Fire Warriors. Leo was justifiably strict on whether they could fit in the space and still give 1″ gaps to his units because I was then able to assault the Fire Warriors holding that flanks objective. Eldar Jetbikes would later join the melee and as the game closed I had one Devgaunt left in the assault and with dice down we never made the pile in move.
    In the centre of the board I’d managed to surround the middle Relic but not pick it up. At least he wouldn’t be able to pick it up. On the left flank my Tervigon spawned out on 3! but those Termagants managed to hold the Kroot while the Tervigon picked up the Relic, we each had secured one. But streaming forwards came the other Eldar jetbikes to end the game right next to the objective. And with dice down I had one relic worth 6pts and Slay the Warlord 1pt for 7pts versus Leo’s 6pt Relic. No one had managed Linebreaker. 
    However, a rules debate about ‘contesting’ the Relic sprung up, given the Eldar Jetbikes were in physical contact with the one being held by my Tervigon. I surmised if it was the case you could contest the Relic, and it does not say you can in the rules, my lone Termagant was also contesting the Fire Warriors Relic, but it was pointed out they weren’t within 3″, given we’d not piled in after the combat. We ended up with both Event Organisers forced to make a ruling which ended in my favour, although again halfway through the debate I was all for ‘I’m really not that bothered about winning anyway’ and if I hadn’t believed I was right in that you cannot contest the relic, I mean it’s that difficult to pick the damn thing up in the first place, if you can wrest those VPs back from just being near it no wonder everyone groans at Warhammer World when that mission is called. But the result was called and totting up FOC charts I’d suffered 590pts of damage, due to my Spore Pods still in existence and my Tyrants hanging in there for the whole game.
    This was a tough game, it was by no means unpleasant it was just unfortunate that having to trek to make my move every turn made things more drawn out and perhaps look like I was stalling. I was playing as fast as I could, which Leo did acknowledge at the end, but sometimes my haste bred mistakes, I nearly ran my Devgaunts with 4 shots each one turn! 
    Part of me still wishes I’d conceded, even with £20 of credit and a trophy because I wanted a fun game, I always do. I hope to go back for more tournaments and likely play some of the same opponents but some people are competitive and that is the nature of the game afterall. I’m not sure handing it to them on a plate would do anything for their sense of achievement. I think I need to work better under pressure and that’s what I was forced to do. I refused to concede, I handled the rule lawyering when necessary and where usually I would be loose with certain rules Leo’s competitive edge forced me to be on top of my game. So, although this is not the sort of game I would look forward to playing often, it is certainly one that pushed me both to my limits physically and tactically and it’s only through those experiences that I can improve as a gamer.

    More of Liam’s Tau

    Now it seems the ebay post for my mate Liam, he of the scratch built Warhound and Warlord fame, regarding his Tau was very popular, can’t think why, Tau haven’t been given any love by GW for years so no one likes them, right? Anyway these are some more pics he’s sent over, I’m not sure if they’re all going on ebay or just some of them but best keep an eye on his auctions if the Greater Good is your bag.
    These pics are as-is so they’re quite big when you click on them so enjoy.

    ebay sales YOU won’t regret! Liam’s Tau…

    My mate Liam, he of the scratch built Warhound and Warlord fame, is  having a clear out of old TAU figures on ebay NOW! He’s hoping to offload these Tau so he can go out and buy NEW Tau. He apologetically described these as ‘speed painted’ but Liam’s speed painting can be considered well above your average table-top quality but more importantly is the selection of unique and scratch built models. Check ’em out there are still five days to go.

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