
Here’s the first 40k addict Terrain competition. Here are the rules:

Entrants must send images of my FREE to download terrain templates or gaming markers in use. These can be any item but due consideration will be taken in how much effort has been made both in the photography and construction of chosen item.


Competition judging will begin at the end of March and take place over April with the final decision being made then.


I’ll be setting up a poll, similar to this test , I know it was possible to break it and you could artificially inflate scores but I’m hoping there will have to be a level of honesty involved. Votes will be counted and judges [me] opinion will be included in the spirit of the competition. Judges decision will be final.


Entries are to be sent to my email address, <= CLICK THIS!
subject – ’40kaddict competition’.

No limitation on entries but please indicate if it’s a combined entry or individual I will prepare a composite of images for each voting entry but room may be provided for more images on a separate page, please number your images in priority [no more than five for composite]


This competition is open to all, the prize is for an Imperial Knight Warden [or equivalent model to a similar value based on best independent price in your location]. There will be a second prize of £10 in gaming vouchers [or nearest amount from local independent retailer with a voucher system].


40k addict does not retain rights to any of the supplied imagery but entrants will all agree to sending a confirmation photograph of their prize should they be the successful winner. I will accept any entry as confirmation of this agreement. Although I cannot guarantee a photograph will be forthcoming to prove the validity of this competition, proof of arrival will guarantee further competitions in the future 🙂

That’s all I can think of, any questions ask below and I’ll try answer or amend the rules. Oh, upon sending an entry please comment below so I can get a heads up, just in case. Good luck!

16 thoughts on “Competition

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  1. Thanks Ian, got it will add it to the voting page. Just a note to everyone, the voting gadget is preferring landscape pictures, but where appropriate I'll be combining a couple of portrait ones together so it doesn't look odd, at least not to me so hopefully it'll look good to everyone else. Anyway, it's just for the actual voting, I'll list all the other supplied pictures anonymously on the same page.


  2. Hi Dave, I just sent my entry. I think the universe knew I was trying to do something today and has thrown up every road-block imaginable; let me know if there is a problem 😉 At least I didn't burn down the house…


  3. Just emailed mine over – apologies, my game this evening went on longer than I had imagined (but a win for the Iron Fists against the filthy daemons of tzeentch and Khorne!)FOR THE EMPEROR!


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