1.5 million

It was November 2016 when I hit one million views, that’s an impressive milestone I think one all bloggers aspire to. However, I’m probably not alone in thinking at that time we’d been having a lot more visits from our Eastern European bot friends so what this stat really meant was anyone’s guess. Subsequently I didn’t think I’d do many page view milestones, unless it was a big one. I was perhaps thinking 2 million, but 1.5 million became a bigger deal because page views have dropped significantly over the last two years.

I’ve said many times that these arbitrary milestones feature only to serve as a thank you for those that visit the blog and as some justification that the effort is all worthwhile and, if so many get pleasure from my ramblings, to keep on doing it. I also think us bloggers aren’t really courting numbers, afterall we’re not YouTubers constantly saying “Guys, hit the subscribe, like the video and click the bell”. Where those sorts of metrics actually mean something to their success as a channel, we get by whether we have a view or not [Dave adopting the moral high ground 😉]. For us it’s just nice to have folk come along for the ride, but they don’t have to contribute to the journey.

Interestingly though, January had a spike of 20,418 pageviews, well above the 12,641 of December and six year low of 10,197 of November [although with the hiatus in effect that’s understandable]. It’s all just numbers really but for us bloggers they are some interesting statistics to ponder over, if not fully comprehend. And for those that are interested that traffic also generates between 1p or 2p a day in AdSense, regardless of clicking [for which I received a princely 6p off 2 clicks the other day!]. I don’t even know if the adverts are even an issue now and I’d say it doesn’t really matter but it’s made £195 over the past 8 years and got me some interesting extras I wouldn’t normally have bought.

Thank you everyone for your continued support.

8 thoughts on “1.5 million

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  1. Well done on the milestone, I hope that one day I might make it in to the 7 figure region! I hate to think how many views I've contributed over the last few years but it's always been worth the visit.


  2. Ah brilliant mate, I hit a million at Christmas but I forgot to tell everyone! Lol. It only took 10yrs! Great stuff and well done for 1.5 that’s really great after just 2yrs more!


  3. I'm glad I've made it worthwhile. It's rewarding to know people value the effort, otherwise it is just a number. It shouldn't make a difference if I'm the only one reading it but it does mean a lot if someone can benefit from it too,its a real bonus.


  4. Yeah, don't know how it happened so quick what with it tailing off so much. I had a look at Natfka's blog the other day and he's on 273 million! Most if his content is reposts of Warhammer Community, the unofficial leaks have dried up a bit and always elsewhere first and folk sending in what's on their table. There's nothing wrong with that of course I'm just amazed it's a quarter of a billion page views!


  5. Good stuff Dave, your site is always worth a visit!Like you I've noticed a drop off in visitors, but as we've said before, the blogs are rarely ever simply chasing the numbers, it's far more about getting said what we feel we need to say, and so long as we have our readership it's worth doing.


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