Double Trouble 3 wrap up & painting competition

Last of the DT3 pics and obviously it’s the painting competition, best army was just two entrants [including myself] but this Necron army was pretty cool.
The airbrushing was neat and as I don’t vote for myself it got my vote ๐Ÿ˜‰
I had my little display, on the board I did specially but added some future container cubes.
It ended up a bit more packed than I expected, it’ll probably be a little less crowded next time ๐Ÿ˜‰
And I was lucky enough to come away with this ๐Ÿ™‚
And with the Element Games voucher I bought this! I know, crazy but all will be revealed.
Best Character category and a Custode.
The eventual winner this Succubus, which was pristine. I so wanted to turn it so I could get a proper picture but I just daren’t touch it.
Gabriel Angelos.
Tom Capper’s Blood Angel Chaplain that smashed though Rob’s Basilisks later in the day.
Nurgle Champion
Belisarious Cawl.
Typhus and Custodes.
Best converted category, sadly only one entry. I think last time it was Top Gun, this time Mad Max and both complete with MP3 player blasting out tunes.
You would keep catching scraps of a song throughout the day, it was surreal.
And that’s a big Trukk [or Battle Wagon].
Monsters and Vehicles category, the Khorne Demon was particularly good.
I think this Renegade Basilisk was the winner but then the owner revealed he didn’t paint it, I guess to confer the kudos of the win to the actual painter, which is fair enough.
Mortis Dreadnought and Blighthauler.
Some random shots I took of this lovely Khorne demon army, I think the Bloodthirster belonged with these.
Juggernaut and Fleshounds.
I saw this Hell Talon in the NWGC cabinets, I’d seen Hell Blades before but never the Talon and it is huge, no wonder it’s nearly twice the price. Look at the size of it compared to the Warhound, obviously some perspective applies but you still get a lot of model.
There was also a fab Nurgle army, which was really bright but still Nurgley.
The Turquoise was an interesting choice as an accent colour but I think it works.
Mortatrion again and the, can’t remember its name ;).
More Nurgle Marines, on movement trays…ย 
There was also a Knight army with Armigers
Which were really cool.
And some seriously damaged Knights, man I wish I could do this, these are amazing.
Anyway, another great event and I look forward to September 1st for the next/last one. Alex has been running these for a few years now, Blog Wars 6 was my first and I’ve enjoyed every one.ย 
Even when I held the Birthday Bash it was run on the same principles as Alex’s events – if it’s not broke don;t fix it! I hope there is still a chance to do something in this vein when Alex hangs up his dice, we’ll just have to see.ย 
Regardless this was the best yet, fun, relaxed and a great opportunity to meet up with old friends (like Dan) and make some new ones. If you’re free September 1st then make an effort to pop along to Alex’s next gig, you will not regret it.

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