Terrain is everything – 40k future container scatter terrain – Detailing!

With the Armigers out of thesurprisingly it was the future containers that drew my attention. The orange ones requiring four coats of paint to achieve the orange I was after and that’s not including all the priming, shading etc. Strong Tone picked out all the shadows and then my pumpkin craft acrylic edge highlights.

Then I noticed that some Aquila decals would fit perfectly in the top space so they both had gloss coats, decals and then matt varnish [can’t find my Lahmian Medium 😦 ], two side on both.

I’ve shipping company logos to add yet and then some more weathering and damage, probably not as much as the OOCL ones but we’ll see.

The third container – I decided on grey.

Once again BIG numbers look awesome, painted some scuffs too.

Maersk Line shipping company, I did consider switching it for Magnus but decided to leave it as is.

The other big number. A simple stencil, tidied up and then scuffed.

The Maersk logo – a stencil with grey dots for the centre of the A, R and nicks in the S. The blue square was stencilled, then the white star stencilled and tidied up afterwards. Again still more weathering to do, as I say I got carried away with the amount of sand in the basecoats, it’s a bit too rough but there’s not much I can do with it now.

I then went and did the Hapag-Lloyd logos. Obviously with less success – stenciling the name was really difficult. Given the spacing between the letters I only really cut out the H, p, g, L, l y, and d and then hand painted the a, a, – and o.

Then I went back and filled in all the ‘counters’ [the holes in all the letters, like the o and d]. I tidied it all up, added some shading’highlights to the blue logo and although it’s not perfect it’ll do. Some weathering will help but I do need some additional decoration on the sides.

These last two pics were originally going to form the start of the next post update but I’ve since realised these will have to go on hiatus while I focus on the Bio-titan, so thought I’d share them now. And one day I still need to create an STC for a foamcore cube to replace the OOP Mentos cubes that form the base for these, one day…

Warhammer Underworlds Shadespire Chosen Axes Big Build TO DONE!

Now I know my love for the new Night Haunt models was almost uncomfortable and gave the impression I might want to dip into Sigmar but this is as far as it goes. I’d been mulling over Shadespire and in particular fancied painting something different inbetween all the things I feel I ‘have’ to paint. In fact I decided to go with the Fireslayers because there are only 4 in the box and they seemed a little more interesting than the Stormcast.

In actual fact I bought these specifically to paint and sell. I’ve never done that before. I’m a hoarder by nature so the very thought of selling something I’ve completed, it’s like selling a child. However, I hope this will be sufficient to cover the cost of buying the game itself – even though I’m not sure we’ll ever play it…

I really like the box though, and once the models are built they fit right back in too, which is a handy transport system in itself.

They’re unbelievably easy to build, three snap-fit pieces for each model – highly ingenious.

I have a rather left field idea of how to paint them. I see them selling from £45 to £70 on ebay, invariably in the standard style on the box. I’ll be going a little more left-field just to entertain myself. They might stand out a bit more when they go up for sale, who knows.

They were so easy to put together it feels almost a crime to get a Big Build Big Gamboge Stamp of Approval, but tough I take what I can get….

Warhammer World Pilgrimage and Brian the Sewer Vent

Last week I took the wife to Nottingham to see Stone Sour at Rock City, it was her Christmas present, she’s a huge fan of Corey Taylor.

We even met the band!

So the next day she was still so happy that she didn’t mind stopping off at the ‘hobby Mecca’ of Warhammer World on the way home.

As you can see it didn’t take long for her patience to wane 😉

Once inside I took a few pics, the new Sigmar Malign Magic items look amazing.

The painting is sublime too and the Night Haunt models are also spectacular.

The Studio Night haunt models are amazingly painted. I know there are a couple of new Technical Paints that make painting these much easier but seeing how the ‘Eavy Metal team do it is stunning.

I couldn’t get enough of them.

And then there was the store versions which utlised the new paints.

Pretty cool Sigmar board.

I will NOT be getting into Sigmar… honest.

So simple to paint…

Obsessed much?

I swear I just find them cool, I’ve no interest in buying them

I think doth protest too much!

Nah, that’s the last of them, it’s out of my system now.

Back to my safe space – Knights and I love the Acheron pose. The Studio Valliant is also a wonder to behold in person. The line highlights do not look ‘man-made’ at all. I don’t know how they do it, the rest of the colours are completely flat too, it’s insane.

A couple of Helverins.

The Castellan, again stunning to see in person.

Inside the main hall there was a pretty cool T’au army on display.

I don;t think my pics do them justice sadly, I’d somehow switched to a filter I never use?

40k GT heat and Final winner photo’s including my Warhammer TV opponent Morgan Cole.

Back in the chop and there was a cool Dark Imperium display board, I liked the windows.

And the front view.

Some really nice touches.

And the ‘pièce de résistance’ – I give you Brian the Sewer Vent. I cannot convey just how excited I was that Nick from the Warhammer Community Team allowed me to see this little terrain in person.

He even let me put the Ferron Splinter fleet on it.

How cool is that? Nick revealed it was created by Chief Terrain Designer Dave Andrews for Apocalypse [I’m guessing it’s in the rulebook somewhere].

It’s currently stored in the ‘camera room’ and the photographers particularly like it because it’s the ideal height to display models on, as you can see.

I was physically shaking doing this, I have no idea why but it was such a ‘moment’.

I will definitely be looking to make my own at some point.

And Nick took a picture of me with the blessed Brian – such a treat.

Nick even tweeted about it, I cannot thank him enough.

A great couple of days, some major highlights, both hobby and normal life, looking forward to seeing Brian pop in print again 🙂

Imperial Knight – Warglaives in manufactorum pt.9 Moar pics

As you may or may not know I follow up all my digital camera shots with some phone shots. These make use of some filters to achieve the sort of pics I like, but also it means I’ve got access to them in my phone gallery, not just on Google Photos

And I always love the rich colours for desktop patterns.

I love how this pose evokes far more personality than just striding forward. These two Warglaives are very different beasts.

The white background pics are less successful, I’m not sure I should bother with them in future, it’s much harder to capture the white background and keep the rich shadows.

There we go, a flurry of To Done pics and now back to other projects…

Imperial Knight – Warglaives in manufactorum pt.8 TO DONE!

Armiger Warglaives online! I’ve surprised myself yet again, both with the delivery and execution. There were some doubts along the way with these but I’m really pleased with the results, especially how well they match the other House Raven [Corvus] Cerastus.

I probably need to do a ‘family’ shoot with them all together but they won’t fit in the light box so another time perhaps.

I’m really glad I adjusted the pose. it was not what I wanted to achieve and the greenstuff work was clumsy but thanks to limiting the internal structure to mostly Warplock Bronze it allows the main armour panels to stand out, allowing the hip areas to recede into the background.

Orange glow effects were typically hit and miss, some spot on for my intent some just about glowy enough.

The second Warglaive pose is a little more bent over, it makes the head a bit awkward but presents a different silhouette that really makes it look different, aside from the asymmetry.

Arms are magnetised, so I could kitbash some Helverin autocannons if I was inclined. The torso uses sprue and a ‘lock and key’ attachment so I can remove them if I want.

Meanwhile the head and Melta Gun are still only push-fit as I can’t bring myself to glue them in place just yet [I’m sure that’ll come back to haunt me].

I do love this head, interestingly the plan was to go Tamiya Clear Orange X-26 on both heads but the other one I decided to go with glowing eyes because they were so small and helped to make them look bigger and draw a bit more focus. This one had plenty of room just to look like a clear orange lens. So I didn’t mess with OSL.

Hatch windows came out well although it’s difficult to see the Raven crest because of the reflection. Chipping also looks cool.

On to the white background shots for White Dwarf, although I can’t really bring myself to email them. Having never featured in their hallowed pages I feel envious of those that have and it’s not a particular trait I want to explore further. 

In this case ‘better to have tried and failed’ doesn’t work for me, ‘better to have not tried and therefore not had to question why I haven’t got in and others have?’

Like I say it’s an ugly trait, petty and it goes against the spirit of it and so I’m not sure I deserve it even if I were to try.

Until I can come to terms with a reasonable rejection as an adult I should probably stick to showcasing on my own channels.

As you can see – glowy eyes.

I even added some glow on the muzzle, which I think works, although the actual eyes highlight is a bit big.

I went a bit overboard on the yellow weed under the slate but nevermind.
I do like this pose as it mirrors the Cerastus in squaring up, braced for impact.

No reflection on the crest this time.

The ‘verdigris’ on the Chainglaive is a bit more ‘paint splodge’ than natural weathering but I can live with it.

I do love this head.

And your last two shots…

… until Friday when I’ll have a load moar of the filtered ones.

Which means another Great Big Gamboge Stamp of Approval. Granted this was not on this season’s To Do List but it is another example of how the Big Build can fast track a model from sprue to completion. For me the building can be very much a challenge. I do like to kitbash but building is only the start of a project and does not fill me with the same satisfaction as painting. Recognising my ‘builds’ as a legitimate and equally important use of my time has been the best hobby decision I’ve made. The evidence speaks for itself thanks to those models I’ve finished after their Big Build.

Double Trouble 3 wrap up & painting competition

Last of the DT3 pics and obviously it’s the painting competition, best army was just two entrants [including myself] but this Necron army was pretty cool.
The airbrushing was neat and as I don’t vote for myself it got my vote 😉
I had my little display, on the board I did specially but added some future container cubes.
It ended up a bit more packed than I expected, it’ll probably be a little less crowded next time 😉
And I was lucky enough to come away with this 🙂
And with the Element Games voucher I bought this! I know, crazy but all will be revealed.
Best Character category and a Custode.
The eventual winner this Succubus, which was pristine. I so wanted to turn it so I could get a proper picture but I just daren’t touch it.
Gabriel Angelos.
Tom Capper’s Blood Angel Chaplain that smashed though Rob’s Basilisks later in the day.
Nurgle Champion
Belisarious Cawl.
Typhus and Custodes.
Best converted category, sadly only one entry. I think last time it was Top Gun, this time Mad Max and both complete with MP3 player blasting out tunes.
You would keep catching scraps of a song throughout the day, it was surreal.
And that’s a big Trukk [or Battle Wagon].
Monsters and Vehicles category, the Khorne Demon was particularly good.
I think this Renegade Basilisk was the winner but then the owner revealed he didn’t paint it, I guess to confer the kudos of the win to the actual painter, which is fair enough.
Mortis Dreadnought and Blighthauler.
Some random shots I took of this lovely Khorne demon army, I think the Bloodthirster belonged with these.
Juggernaut and Fleshounds.
I saw this Hell Talon in the NWGC cabinets, I’d seen Hell Blades before but never the Talon and it is huge, no wonder it’s nearly twice the price. Look at the size of it compared to the Warhound, obviously some perspective applies but you still get a lot of model.
There was also a fab Nurgle army, which was really bright but still Nurgley.
The Turquoise was an interesting choice as an accent colour but I think it works.
Mortatrion again and the, can’t remember its name ;).
More Nurgle Marines, on movement trays… 
There was also a Knight army with Armigers
Which were really cool.
And some seriously damaged Knights, man I wish I could do this, these are amazing.
Anyway, another great event and I look forward to September 1st for the next/last one. Alex has been running these for a few years now, Blog Wars 6 was my first and I’ve enjoyed every one. 
Even when I held the Birthday Bash it was run on the same principles as Alex’s events – if it’s not broke don;t fix it! I hope there is still a chance to do something in this vein when Alex hangs up his dice, we’ll just have to see. 
Regardless this was the best yet, fun, relaxed and a great opportunity to meet up with old friends (like Dan) and make some new ones. If you’re free September 1st then make an effort to pop along to Alex’s next gig, you will not regret it.

1750pts battle report – Genestealer Cult & Astra Militarum v Astra Militarum & Blood Angels – game 3

Double Trouble 3 and Alex From the Fang’s doubles tournament replacing Blog Wars. 875pts with random pairings but all match-ups are Battle Brothers. Once again my recollection is pretty hazy so for the most part enjoy the pictures, the commentary will be secondary 😉

I’m running my Genestealer Cult for the first time ever. I’ve got a Patriarch and 12 Genestealers, a Primus, 4 Abberants [2 picks & 2 hammers], 10 Acolytes, 11 Neophytes [with Grenade Launcher], 10 Neophytes [with Grenade Launcher] and my 2 Scout Sentinels [with Heavy Flamers and Chainswords].

I’m paired with Rob Nathan again, who I played with at DT2 – this time Astra Militarum – Basilisks, Wyvern, Manticore, Leman Russ and Sergeant Harker opposite side was Tom Capper [who I played at NMTBW] with his Blood Angels and Christopher Nettleship running Astra Militarum [endless conscripts, Rough Riders and Mortar weapons teams].

As it was table quarters Rob castled up in the back field behind cover with Sergeant Harker inbetween all the tanks [I think he buffs those around him]. Meanwhile my units deployed were in at the forefront to snatch the objective in the middle [hidden by the containers], in cover in the wood and the Sentinels ready to scout and capture the objective in the ruin at the top.

While the many conscripts filled the other quarter, I’d actually though there wasn’t much room for the Blood Angels but those two Rhinos suddenly became the tough spearhead to break through as the conscripts followed. Unfortunately the conscripts also became ‘tough’ thanks to a psychic power adding one to their save and eventually a ‘go to ground’ stratagem that also made them nigh unkillable. Our first turn shooting didn’t go as well as we’d hoped [unfortunately I wasn’t the one recording VPs so I only have the final scores later on].
With so much on the board there wasn’t much room to bring my ambushes on. The Stealers rolled badly, even with the stratagem, but it was table edges so I still got 9″ away from the Blood Angels, unfortunately Rob killed some of them so I was no longer withing a realistic charge range. The acolytes fared better and got score the objective.
My Neophytes in middle were almost wiped out thanks to the Mortar teams [probably need some of them for my Cult, they seem effective and cheap] while the ones in the trees tried to hold back the tide of conscripts and face down the Rhino. My Aberrants were well out of range to be effective this turn.
But I still had the objective in the ruins, even if the Sentinels were effectively just babysitting.
Rob managed to destroy a Rhino, leaving the Space Marines to disembark.
I think I multi-charged the Guards and the three remaining Blood Angels, made the Guard range, but not the Marines, but I think pile-in got them and we were left with just a few Guards, while I kept the objective yet again.
I really liked the marking on Chris’s Guard, the three stripes were all shaded, it wasn’t just a simple three lines. Some of the other conscripts had solid shoulder pads for squad markings, once they got promoted no doubt they would get to use the army stripes but it was a simple way to add a lot more detail to the may models in this army, remember there was only 875pts and over 100 models!
We just couldn’t whittle down the Conscript numbers, I think all 3 squads still remained, only one of which had suffered significant casualties.
And suddenly the Rough Riders appeared, not sure what they did but it was nice to see them in the army, if not nice to see them on the battlefield… ahem!
The Blood Angel Chaplain managed to appear out of nowhere, thanks to his jump-pack I think he had a 3D6 charge and also hit with mortal wounds when he multi-charged the Manticore and a Basilisk. I think he later smashed one of them apart. Conscripts also charged through the ruins – tying up the tanks so they could no longer shoot and even worse snatching the objective out from under them because the were ObSec.
Tactical Squad assaulted my Acolytes who were freed up when the remaining Guard fell back. I might have interrupted the assault order to kills some of the Marines before they attacked. Rob had a Relic to gain CPs back every time our opponents and we spent CPs, so we ended up with double figure CPs for most of the game, it was silly in a way as I think Tom and Chris also had a CP farming system too.
Genestealers finally got in the mix, wiping out the Marines and Guard.
Abberants got into the remaining Rhino, not sure if it was destroyed or if we claimed that objective versus the tank. And that’s about as much as I remember, which I appreciate isn’t much 😉
Here’s the final score, we scored 7 VPs to Tom and Chris’s 14 VPs. Probably the toughest game in a way as the conscripts had to be dealt with due to their overwhelming number but they were so much chaff, worth buttons and so hard to kill that even the extensive artillery, the many re-rolls to wound and hit we had just could dent their numbers sufficiently to gain board control.
And that’s it, not sure what the Blood Points was but it was all moot anyway. Another fun game, completely relaxed, everyone just out for a good time.
Tom, Rob, 40kaddict, Chris
And there we go, the last game of Double Trouble 3 and once again the actual placings and win/loss rate of no importance to me whatsoever. As you know Alex has said his next event, on September 1st will be his last, as he has family commitments but will welcome suggestions for format and hopefully another doubles tournament as I love the format and it’s almost like a friendly reunion than a competition. I’ve the painting competition to write up next but for the tournaments, that’s your lot folks – stay frosty!

If you’re interested in any more of my Battle Reports, point your cogitators here: www.40kaddict.uk/p/battle-reports.html

1750pts battle report – Genestealer Cult & Necrons v Khorne Berzerkers & Custodes – game 2

Double Trouble 3 and Alex From the Fang’s doubles tournament replacing Blog Wars. 875pts with random pairings but all match-ups are Battle Brothers. Once again my recollection is pretty hazy so for the most part enjoy the pictures, the commentary will be secondary 😉

I’m running my Genestealer Cult for the first time ever. I’ve got a Patriarch and 12 Genestealers, a Primus, 4 Abberants [2 picks & 2 hammers], 10 Acolytes, 11 Neophytes [with Grenade Launcher], 10 Neophytes [with Grenade Launcher] and my 2 Scout Sentinels [with Heavy Flamers and Chainswords].

I’m paired with Jason Roberts and his Necrons – Destroyer Lord, two units of Wraiths and two units of Scarabs opposite side was Mark Crombleholme with 2 Rhinos [with Havok Launchers] 3 units of Khorne Berzerkers [including Kharn as HQ] and Callum Reed running Custodes, the Leader, the Flag guy and a Jetbike plus some of the ones with Halberds [I’m so clued up]. Looks like Mark and Callum got first turn.

Berzerkers held the high ground in the middle, while the Custodes held the rear, except for the jetbike who went a’hunting.
Berzerkers secured the objective on their left flank…
and their right flank too. This gave Mark and Callum 3VPs for turn 1.
Jason got the Wraiths right up in the Berzerkers grill, unfortunately the unit on the left failed their charge due to a Custodes stratagem [Tanglefoot Grenades] that adds D6″ to your charge! We also scored 3VPs.
The Jetbike managed to whittle away the Neophytes on our centre objective, but we survived just.
The other squad also suffered loses.
Kharn made an epic charge through the ruins to fight alongside the Jetbike against the Wraiths.
While the other unit was bundled by Berzerkers and Custodes
Taking out all but one.
As more Custodes moved in to support their Jetbike and Kharn only one Wraith survived.
The Destroyer Lord charged to support, but I think a stratagem had been employed that meant he couldn’t hit the side of a barn with his lethal relic weapon. Khorne/Custodes scored 3 VPs.
Genestealers arrived in my backfield, Sentinels held onto our objective, their Scarab friends had been sent to our centre objective to hold if my Neophytes perished. 2 Wraiths reanimated.
Abberants and Primus arrived behind the Chaos Rhino and made their charge. More importantly they outnumbered it on the objective so we scored 4 VPs this turn. I think we lost the Destroyer Lord and the last Wraith to Kharn.
Who promptly waltzed through the Neophytes with the Jetbike destroying the Scarabs

Berzerkers gang up on my Neophytes and Scarabs in the ruins, wiping them out and getting the objective.

With the Necrons dead, the centre of the board was our opponents, and it was their turn to score 4 VPs.
I think I multi-charged Kharn and the Jetbike, Kharn was completely overkilled by 5 of the Stealers. The other 6 failed to take down the Jetbike
Who seems to have flitted off here, leaving me to hold the objective?
The Primus managed to take the final wound off the Rhino to score this objective after sterling work from his Aberrant charges.
We scored another 3 VPs but one of my Sentinels got taken out by the Chaos/Custodes alliance. The second one would also get destroyed and blow up – 3 out of 4 explosions.
Berzerkers took out the Aberrants and re-took the objective. This got them 5 of the 6 objectives. We couldn’t score any, presumably because the last Sentinel was destroyed.
Which allowed them to capture the 6th, and clearly the Jetbike was still a menace, and they scored another 6VPs. I’ve no idea what was still alive but as turn 5 came to an end we scored 0 and time ran out.
So that was a 21 to 10 loss, but another great game. I’ve seen Mark at many tournaments, know he’s a competitive player [apparently Jason is too] and it was great to finally game against him but in a ‘friendly’. He showed the perfect mix of getting things right and having fun, they don’t have to be exclusive. Paired with Callum they were a potent tactical force and although I think I once again had the last man standing I was probably too reliant on Jason to do the heavy lifting, although aside from the Stealers I was well aware of the ‘lightweight’ nature of my list.
Mark, 40kaddict, Callum, Jason

Anyway, on to game 3…

If you’re interested in any more of my Battle Reports, point your cogitators here: www.40kaddict.uk/p/battle-reports.html

1750pts battle report – Genestealer Cult & Iron Hands v Death Guard & Ad Mech – game 1

Double Trouble 3 and Alex From the Fang’s doubles tournament replacing Blog Wars. 875pts with random pairings but all match-ups are Battle Brothers. Once again my recollection is pretty hazy so for the most part enjoy the pictures, the commentary will be secondary 😉

I’m running my Genestealer Cult for the first time ever. I’ve got a Patriarch and 12 Genestealers, a Primus, 4 Abberants [2 picks & 2 hammers], 10 Acolytes, 11 Neophytes [with Grenade Launcher], 10 Neophytes [with Grenade Launcher] and my 2 Scout Sentinels [with Heavy Flamers and Chainswords].

I’m paired with John Purves and his Iron Hands – 2 Redemptor Dreads, 2 Venerable Dreads and 2 Techmarines to keep them healthy. The opposite side was Dave Irving [who I played at DT2] with Ad-Mech and Matty Longmore [who I played with at DT2] running Death Guard. Here was our table setup with some pretty decent terrain thanks to Element Games North West Gaming Centre.

I set up the Patriarch and Purestrains in ambush, the Primus and Aberrants also hiding together and the Acolytes too. This left me with the two squads of Neophytes to screen objectives and board control while John had his Venerable Dreadnoughts sit on our objectives and Redemptors prepare to push forward. Lastly my Sentinels prepared to Scout forwards to capture the objective behind the rock outcrop.

Unfortunately Dave and Matty got to do their Scout move first and the Dragoons captured the first objective before the game had even begun. They were going first but we stole the initiative though! The Sentinels went in for the kill, but their Heavy Flamers were ineffective.

Their Sentinel Chainswords even more so. Seriously they are not worth the 2 points, why do the Sentinels only have 1 attack? Surely 2 or 3 for something that size? Anyway, they did nothing and one of them was struck down but he blew up causing a Mortal Wound on the Dragoon and the remaining Sentinel. By the close of turn 1 we’d only managed to capture 2 objectives, and our other shooting had been pretty ineffective. 

In return Dave and Matty managed to blast one Redemptor to pieces with massed fire from the Kastellans and Kataphrons, plus the Blight Hauler.

The Dragoons continued to attack the last Sentinel and killed it, again it exploded in a ball of flames. I was beginning to think the Cult had jury-rigged it to blow up [that would be a cool stratagem, apparently Nurgle has something similar]. DG & AdMec turn one score 3 VPs.

My ambushes turn 2, the Aberrants and Primus arrive 9″+D6″, getting a 4 so only 5″ away from the Poxwalkers holding an objective 

I was struggling to fit the Genestealers in, with them coming in alongside the Dragoons but still 9″ away.

Acolytes also appeared behind enemy lines, pincer manoeuvre for the Poxwalkers but out of range of Skitarii who get to overwatch things from reserve within 12″! I charged both my units in. As you can see the Poxwalkers had two lines double stacked but the Aberrants in particular were in luck as I got to employ Nick Nanavanti’s consolidate tactics because you can see that they were quite spaced apart, with room for their bases to slip through, get past that first line and attack the back line, getting closer to the objective.

Five Poxwalkers remained at the end, which was when I found out the Primus buffed those Cult units within 6″, something I would not forget afterwards but would have possibly made a difference in wiping out this unit. However, we scored 4 VPs this turn, with the Redemptor holding the other objective.

Unfortunately he was left exposed to the Blighthauler and was destroyed, together with support fir from half of one of the Kastellans, their robotic gaze swinging round to add 1.5 robot’s worth of shooting at my Genestealers.

The Stealers were wiped out, serves them right for not making their charges on the Dragoons. The melee in the top was interrupted with the Poxwalkers killing a few Acolytes and replenishing their numbers. I would subsequently wipe them out and send the remaining Acolytes after the Skitarii Snipers in the hills and the Aberrants toward the last Kastellan, I think his twin destroyed by the Venerable Dreadnought. The Primus had to stay behind to hold the objective, meaning he couldn’t give his buff. I think John used the last CP to reroll and kill the Kastellan which meant when my Aberrants go 4 for a 5″ charge they had no options but to remain stranded and suffer destruction from the shooting of the Kastellan.

I’d retreated my Neophytes back to hold one objective while the others held the one the last Venerable Dreadnought had been shot off. Unfortunately Typhus made a 10″ charge, he killed a lot of them but they held on for 2 turns I think, thanks to some lucky morale rolls. The Blighthauler, having wiped out the remaining Techmarines then went for the other Neopyhtes.

With the Aberrants gone, the Acolytes exposed after killing the Skitarii and the Primus on his own it did not take much for the Kastellan to eradicate the threat in their own deployment zone.

Typhus’s Terminator bodyguards finally caught up to him and their foul infections spread through the Neophytes wiping them out too and finally capturing the objective.

This left us tabled and Dave and Matty in control of the centre of the board. Typhus had been a little overzealous, I think Dave forgot the game ends immediately meaning they lost the chance to hold the objectives for longer and score more points, unless he did know in which case he was playing fluffy instead of trying to rack up points for the overall win. 

But the game ended and somehow we’d actually won on VPs 13 to 12. Obviously we lost on Blood Points, I’m not even sure how many we killed, I forgot to take a picture of my scoresheet. Either way it was a good game, John had to take a lot of shooting while I sat off the board and sadly did not weather the firepower as well as Iron Hands are renowned for.

John, Matty, 40kaddict, David

Still, good game, great people, everything Double Trouble stands for.

If you’re interested in any more of my Battle Reports, point your cogitators here: www.40kaddict.uk/p/battle-reports.html

‘nids part 257 – Genestealer Cult for Double Trouble 3

It’s Double Trouble 3 tomorrow and I thought I’d get my army all sorted and while I was at it take a  few pics on their display board. I might take a few other bits and pieces to make it look a little more interesting.

Acolytes and Magus, obviously not intested in the flyers of the Imperium.

Aberrants and a unit of Neophytes. The second unit of coverted cultist Neophytes are behind.

12 Purestrains for maximum slashiness and a Patriarch.

And lastly my two Scout Sentinels with Flamers.

I’ll be cult Ambushing the Patriarch with the Stealers and Magus with either the Acolytes or Aberrants, can’t work out which would be best but with 8 units I can only deploy 4 in reserve, that is until they make you use Power Levels to define your reserve – if I was interested in Power Levels I wouldn’t be doing Matched Play. So if anyone knows if I’m better off with Aberrants or Acolytes. I think the Aberrants might be better because otherwise they’ll be shot to pieces hoofing it across the board but I actually think the 10 Acolytes might be more effective if they manage to close on arrival…

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