‘nids part 221 – Genestealer Hybrid Neophytes – TO DONE!

It was with some relief I did in fact finish these guys ahead of the new season. It doesn’t really matter either way but having set out to do them to a deadline I do feel good about achieving it. It doe smake me think I should have some sort of cut off point for inclusion though as running so tight to the deadline is a little stressful to say the least.

The pictures are a bit hit and miss in places but there are obviously MOAR shots to come that might help pick out some more details.

I’m beginning to think these are far less ‘ragtag’ than I intended, although they are grouped into the half orange and half red so I guess they should match up a bit.

I certainly think the diversity among the Hybrids works which is a relief. Some elements I’m not as happy with but the diversity I think is really interesting and allows scope to do a whole unit of ‘Turqs’ fo instance. I was looking at getting one of the Imperial Guard starter sets which I’d have as Turqs to further link up with the Rogue Trooper-esque element.

Red Squad

I love the guys with the goggles.

All of them together. Now I didn’t get round to doing the completed Free Radical Collective just yet, perhaps that will come with the Armies on Parade board. It has made me automatically think about the second Deathwatch Overkill box I won in the raffle at Double Trouble. I can’t imagine I’m going to throw all those Hybrids onto my freshly minted 2017/18 To Do List, but certainly the Aberrants and Familiars might creep into the mix before the end of the year.

White background shots because apparently having shared some of the Ferron Proxima ‘context’ shots I’ve recieved some criticism about how bright the red is and difficult to see. Certainly an issue I can appreciate but Ferron Proxima is my thing and I’m not about to give it upjust yet,

You can see here how I purposely held back on some of the highlights on the lower legs. It still feels like I was cheating but I think if I’d used the same highlights as the trousers and jackets it would have been too much.

Top down view so you can look at the patination on their heads.

I love the grenade launcher guys.

OSL on the mining lasers potentially suspect and I could have perhpas picked out some finer details on the weapon but i just wanted them done at this stage.
The replacement drill heads could have been a little better as well as the back pack but again time constrainst and patience with the project meant this was as good as it got.
The Orange gang.
I love how these remind me of the Star Wars X-wing pilots uniforms. I am considering the next set potentially wearing black environment suits but I don’t know whether I should just stick with the white.
And there you have it, the last of my Big Pruple Stamps of Approval for my  2016/17 Hobby Season. Now I wonder how long it’s going to take me to complete something for 2017/18…?

To Do List 2017/18

Having covered my achievements over the past season it’s now that I look forward to the new one. If I’m honest the list is still in an embryonic stage. I’ve been so focused on what I’ve been doing on the last season I haven’t thought much about the next one because I was running projects to the wire and I didn’t know which season they’d be completed.

A lot of my list appears to be mainly Dark Angels, they’re still my focus despite those Genestealer Cultists creeping into the mix at the end there. Anything in bold is a priority, everything else is nice to have

  1. Deathwatch Marines
  2. New Armies on Parade board
  3. Dark Angel – Predator
  4. Dark Angel – Razorback [I’ll probably double team this with the Predator]
  5. Dark Angel – Deathwing Knights
  6. Dark Angel – Terminator Librarian
  7. Dark Angel – Ravenwing Dark Shroud
  8. Dark Angel – Ravenwing Bikes 
  9. Dark Angel – Macragge Tactical Squad
  10. Dark Angel – Aegis Defence Line [totally low down as most of the Fortifications suck game wise but it’d be nice to have some extra terrain pieces and I think it’s actually the best value out of the pieces I have]

The top two are to add to my Armies on Parade board, hence their priority status, although I suppose everything else is also valid. The Predator is something I like the idea of for the Warhammer World GT in February. They worked really well against my nids at the NWO, so both useful and on the list! The remaining nid and terrain based items are these:

  1. 2 sets of Ferron Fire Firs – base up and paint.
  2. Project Z?! Still a mystery project 😉
    • Tyranid Void Shield Generator [it had some progress last season, I just need to do more, even if it’s just as a terrain piece]
    • Some bits of Imperial terrain I have knocking about [Sanctum Imperialis, etc.]
    • Armorium containers STC
    • Blood Bowl Humans
    • Blood Bowl Orks [? yeah not likely but if I can get the hoomies done maybe…]

    Pipe dream items – these are things that have been on my list and in all honesty I’m not likely to tackle this year but I do not want them forgotten so I’ll just note them as things I’ll eventually do, one day:

    1. Tyranid Promethium Relay Pipes
    2. Tyranid Bastion Crater [to a certain extent unnecessary as I use my digestion pit]

      The Great Build has been downgraded to the Big Build this season. Still a lot of what was not complete from the last list but I think I did OK, the principle is sound and did pay dividends – the Assault Squad.

      • Ferron Fire Firs – new trees based and primed
      • 3 Tyranid Lictors
      • 3 Tyranid Warriors
      • 3 Tyranid Shrikes
      • 2 Tyranid Hive Guard kitbashes…
      • Tyranid Trygon
      • Ripper Swarms
      • 5 Dark Angel Veterans/Command Squad
      • Space Hulk Genestealers
      • Remaining Deathwing Terminators
      • Sanctum Impearialis 

      So that’s me for 2017/18. I think overall a low key set of goals, and perhaps a little uninspiring given it’s everything I didn’t quite complete from last season, sorry. And I think even if I complete all the Imperium and Tyranid stuff I may well feel a little disappointed but as I say it’s embryonic and may well evolve once Armies on Parade is done and the GT is bearing down… In the interim this will do and all the best for your own efforts this season.

        Hobby Season 2016/17 Review

        The 2016/17 Hobby Season draws to a close, and how did I do? Well I managed to complete 7/14 out of 14/21 items on my list, depending on how you count the sub-bullets. But as you’ll see the raw numbers don’t tell the whole story. To be fair though I was really focused on the list this time with few deviations, except thanks to the output from the Great Build, but the To Do List was a real motivator this time. So, what did I do?

        First up, the Dark Angels Land Speeder Typhoons were so close to being completed in the previous season, but just over a week after the new season began they were getting big purple stamps of approval instead of green. As I’ve mentioned in recent posts I’d effectively sabotaged myself in that regard, just putting them off for no apparent reason. But they got done and although there were some compromises made I was happy at the end, the finish was pretty good and to have moved these ‘long in progress’ models to completion is always a bonus.

        My Imperial Knight was dutifully completed next [as it was next on my list]. The mix of freehand and decals was a particular challenge. The faceplate was also a bone of contention, which prompted me to magnetise it post completion so I can keep his Motörhead face but still cover him up should I feel so inclined.

        Next up was the Dark Angel Bastion which again was a pretty big task. If I was in the business of measuring the scale of projects it would have been ‘major’, for that matter so would the Imperial Knight but as both had been worked on significantly in previous seasons that differentiation is somewhat moot [hence why major and minor stamps don’t work for me]. What is worth noting though is that I said ‘bastion’ not ‘bastions’ and I completed both, just for the hell of it. To be fair there was not much extra effort to do the two at that stage. Once again compromises [I really am my own worst critic], the weathering was not how I intended it to look but positives outweigh the disappointments and completion trumps those altogether. Having extra line of sight blocking terrain is always handy too and in 8th positively compulsory.

        And I did do the Quad Gun and Comms Relay [although it needs a base] so an Aegis Defence Line might be a nice addition next Season? Of course in 8th the Comms Relay is defunct and the Quad Gun may as well be for how useless it now is in the game, but c’est la vie.

        I also managed to prepare my Dark Angels Armies on Parade display featuring many of last season’s successes alongside my more recent and older achievements. This feels like a throw-away achievement perhaps because painting 1850pts of Dark Angels was something I managed last season but I think the fact I struggled to fit it all on my AoP board speaks to the effort I’ve put into these guys alongside my Xenos filth 😉

        The Christmas period came along and although I was still productive the usual festive hobby malaise happened. That shouldn’t be a bad thing really because wider context I did get tickets for the British Grand Prix. So the fact I wasn’t painting figures but having a good time with my family shouldn’t leave me feeling too bad. But part of the problem was I was struggling with the Drop Pods and in so doing I ended up completing my Genestealer Cult Patriarch.

        Whilst I was at it I also managed it’s Familiars, the Aberrants, the Primus and quickly brought the Magus up to scratch too. Although I’m happy with the results overall I actually think there’s so much more to them that my style of painting obscures. I did a Google search for the Magus so I could try and get the little vials right. It turns out that almost all the examples on the net are like Golden Daemon quality. I don’t usually mind but it was a little bit depressing even though I was quite chuffed with the blending on the Orange cloaks. Still, I’ll get over it, it was just a little disheartening when I should be chuffed I’d just completed them… although the pictures I took did reveal my approach to highlighting has become slightly impressionistic now which I kind of like.

        The Primus and the Magus were the last two parts of the Brood Coven to be complete because I did manage to finish the Drop Pods once the Aberrants, Patriarch and Familiars were done. Another point of note is my To Do List once again specified only ONE drop pod and I completed TWO! What’s even more ground breaking is the original pod was six years in the painting and featured in my original To Do List from 2011. Funnily enough in a detached way, despite evidence to the contrary, I see them as relatively easy to paint now. Laborious and potentially tedious, but on paper pretty straightforward. No doubt I’d deny such a comment if I was presented with another to paint! Unfortunately it’s the other projects that intervene and are far more inviting, hence why it took so long to do one, not to mention I had no real reason to have it completed ahead of anything else. Although I described it as ‘less of a priority’ I’m really pleased this got done and even more pleased with the results and that there are now two of them!

        Although the Birthday Bash was not the reason the Drop Pods were prioritised their completion and subsequent comments about my army list choices at the event meant that my Ravenwing Black Knights became my next project. The Knights had been built and left in hiatus since June 2016.

        I started in earnest on them in mid-March and the whole process became a mental battle as I ended up doing the seven Knights and six Ravenwing bikes simultaneously. 13 bikes at once was just a mammoth task for me, I don’t know what I was thinking.

        I did digress a few times, basecoating my Assault Squad and various Genestealer Hybrids which where equally moribund, forcing me to return to the Ravenwing as they felt more appealing.

        Once I’d overcome the ‘wall’ of black it all seemed plain sailing, even if there was still considerable work left to do to complete them, but complete them I did. I think we can all agree this was a Herculean task borne out by the many posts I had to write just to keep the momentum going. I won’t mention the five or six bikes and two attack bikes that still need doing though!

        As the Ravenwing came to a close 8th Edition dropped and this provided me with some additional motivation to look again at some off list tasks. By no means they would get completed by the end of the season but a quick nudge here and there meant they were added to the Great Build list below which would potentially get them set for next season, time permitting. I then cast my attention to the Hybrids but yet again quickly got bored and jump-packed back to the Assault Squad, finishing them off with extreme prejudice!

        Following that short successful detour I returned to the Hybrids for a third time. As pleased as I was with the wealth I’d achieved so far this season I thought adding 28 Genestealer Hybrids to my tally would be the raw quantity of number to the quality I’d already completed. If I could pull it off I’d be super-stoked. Last season I’d been close with the Land Speeders and sabotaged my chances by ‘taking my foot off the gas’, this time it was fatigue and the endless detail on the Hybrids that eventually held me up. I continued on all 28 where possible intending to switch to the Acolytes to guarantee one complete item and one 75%, rather than two items at 60%. I managed to do them all but as you know only the Acolytes have had their 2016/17 To Done! post so far.

        However, I’ll add in the Neophytes retrospectively here, once they’re photographed.

        So how do I feel I did this season? To be honest pretty, pretty good. I think even at the completion of the Bastions I felt as if I’d achieved sufficient to be happy. The Drop Pods just cemented that feeling and I’d added the Brood Coven inbetween so despite the fact most of these had been started in previous years I was feeling pretty pleased with myself. I did then check out what I’d done last season and was reminded how prodigious I’d been but then I realised how daft it was to compare my own efforts against each other. Sure it was a measure of what I could do but there is no shame in any of it, these things still exist in a finished state where previously they were not.

        What I did in 2015/16 in no way takes away from what I achieved in 2016/17, or vice versa. The continued effort I put in is all additive so how can I feel less at the end of it? In the 90’s I had very little to show for my efforts, now look at what I’ve done over the past seven years and more importantly what will I achieve next? And I did finish the season very strong, delivering a not inconsiderable model count in the final quarter to add that quantity I felt was lacking! In fact with 64 models painted [near enough] I was only 1 off last years total. Looking at it all – the big projects, the ‘long in progress’ projects finally off the list and all the doubling up to achieve twice my expectations I actually think I might just have eclipsed last Season – so much for being disheartened!

        The Great Build

        On top of all that I also undertook to get a lot of things built ready for painting. I actually wanted them primed and based too but the B/W build pics look cool so I’ll use these. The point being to get things ready so when the urge strikes I’ve already got a headstart on them – better to have projects ready and waiting than a ‘blank canvas’ staring at me. To that end I managed:

        Dark Angel Assault Squad
        Blood Bowl Human Team
        Blood Bowl Ork Team
        Tyranid Lictor 1

        I did get these primed [basecoated too] and ready to go as well

        Dark Angel RT Razorback

        Dark Angel RT Predator

        In truth I think I underestimated how much I would get done in the ‘Great Build’, but I was probably doing all those painting tasks. At the very least the Great Build did provide a number of opportunities/distractions [delete as appropriate] in base coating these models when my main projects filled me with dread. I’ll definitely try and do some more bits next season but I may well rename it the ‘Big Build’, y’know to lower my expectations 😉 Although one stand-out success was the Assault Squad that went from build, through to prime and eventual completion in just one season – now that’s accelerated delivery. It’s not conclusive but a nice result from something that otherwise would not have been acheived.

        I’ll just leave this here again as a reminder, it struck a chord with me last year and again I think it’ll be an effective mantra for all going forward.

        ‘nids part 220 – Genestealer Hybrid Acolytes – TO DONE!

        Apologies for the delay, usually I post around mid-day, y’know so you can get to read the blog during your lunch but for one reason or another I couldn’t finish the post until now. Obviously that included taking the pictures of my completed Acolytes.

        Currently the Neophytes just need varnishing and they’re complete, although I won’t get they’re 2016/17 Hobby Season To Done post until after the Season review. I’ve put a huge amount of effort into getting them done before the new season, I’m not about to give them a Great Big Gamboge Stamp of Approval when they’re entitled to a Purple one.

        But the Acolytes, well they’re TO DONE!

        And the light box is delivering some fairly decent pictures I think.

        I think the first generation hybrids are my favourite, in particular the kilted ones.

        But I think they make a nice group and actually far more cohesive than I gave them credit. They’re still a bit ‘busy’ but tie together quite nicely.

        The Tyranid Bone-knives came out pretty cool too.

        While same of the other blades got a healthy dose of gore and blood spatter.

        And on a white backdrop.

        The ‘red’ group.

        The ‘orange’ group.

        Some of the detail on the back, lights and stuff on the environment suit.

        Stabby, stabby.

        I may well kick myself I didn’t do more Free Radical Collective symbols but the four I did do came out really well.

        So here’s the Big Purple Stamp of Approval. As usual I’ve got some Moar shots from my phone but they’ll be in a separate post in the new season [but retrospective]. As I said before the Neophytes won’t be revealed until the new season either but they’ll be finished over the weekend, so they count. It’s been hard and tiring getting these done and I’ll be glad to move onto some other things but with less of an immediate deadline to worry about – I have until October to get my next two things done… 

        ‘nids part 219 – Genestealer Hybrids – moar details and highlights

        Another boring task that needed addressing – Bonewhite chips on the bases. I’m not sure if it’s apparent but I did try and do less of them, partly because it’s so tedious but also because I imagine fewer wraithbone chips in and around the heavily industrialised areas of Ferron Proxima. Whether I have limited their inclusion I’m not sure. But I did put some Free Radical Collective logos on the kilted pair of Acolytes.

        They came out really well considering. Not sure I’m going to do it on all the hybrids, space becomes limited and they’re already busy as hell.

        I also added all the blue highlights to their uniform.

        It’s more apparent on the Neophytes and you can see how they match up with the Primus

        A few more highlights on the skin tones and subsequently added some groovy flushed, veiny back of the skull similar to the Aberrants, which have come out pretty well. I also painted ll the tongues red but flitted off before completing any of the highlights – highly unusual in the OCD way I paint. Eyes and teeth have also been done.

        I’m not sure how consistent that sits with the Acolytes and Purestrain Genestealers though:

        • Purestrain – Bonewhite rear cranium, red fleshy mouth and face, turqouise chitin crest
        • Acolyte – Red fleshy rear cranium, mouth and face, turqouise chitin crest
        • Neophyte – Red fleshy rear cranium, various skin tones on face and crest
        • Abberant – Red fleshy rear cranium, various skin tones on face, turqouise chitin crest
        • Magus/Primus – Red fleshy rear cranium, various skin tones on face, turqouise chitin crest

        Maybe the purestrains have the bonewhite bit as a stronger substance, then with the first and second gen hybrids that material is replaced with all flesh [the red bits] then the Neophytes mutate the red skin into the natural skin tones of their heritage, with the skin covering the forehead crests, allowing them to blend in with the populace. The Abberants meanwhile are mutated further so the crests aren’t covered in skin. Equally the Magus and Primus have exposed crests because of their exalted status and given they’re so shadowy in the background they’re never seen so their overt mutations are less important in exposing the Coven.

        All that’s left is claws, talons, anything black, all the little headlamps that have been started with some orange, toxic green elements and then the Neophytes guns need some work. Then base edges, varnish and all the other special FX – gloss varnish, Tamiya Clear Red X-27 etc. I’m almost certain these can all be To Done by the end of the Season but the blog posts themselves are struggling to fit into my current schedule, we’ll have to see how that works out.

        ‘nids part 218 – Genestealer Hybrids – environment suit highlights

        You may recall this time last year I was actively sabotaging my Hobby Season goals by avoiding the Land Speeder Typhoons that were so close to completion. This year felt like history was going to repeat itself but it’s fatigue more than mindless ambivalence that is putting my new goal at risk. I’ve managed to overcome the mundane nature of the cultists but unusually by abandoning any sense of a plan! I’m literally flitting from one element to the next without consideration of following it through to completion. That may well bite me at the end but it has brought renewed vigour and purpose.

        As such all the highlights are done, although I might want to add a few extra touches to the red

        I then added all my Tyranid Chitin highlights and have waethered all the Acolyte weapons with Typhus Corrosion and Ryza Rust.

        As much as the plan was to reach a point where I focussed predominantly on the Acolytes I’m still very much bringing the Neophytes along with them, they just happen to be a few steps behind in the likes of weathered weaponry…

        At this stage I should have been working on the Acolytes but given the potential obstacle of the variety of skin tones still to do I saw it as a bit of a challenge to highlight all those heads and hands.

        You can just about make out the highlights on the turquoise skinned hybrids, I carried it through with all of the skin tones, but I was less confident doing the dark skinned guys, not sure why, I think its the challenge I face every time I do it with the Dark Angels.

        Having varied skintones was always going to be a problem reconciling with my hive fleet colours. I think I’ve managed it reasonably well but I also know this force is incredibly busy looking, an unholy riot of colours and variety. It disappoints me a little I wasn’t able to make it more simplified but it does reflect the ragtag nature of the force at the least and if I wanted them all the same I’ve done that already with the Tyranids themselves…

        2000pts battle report – Tyranids v Dark Angels – Game 5 – North West Open

        The North West Open Tournament @ Wargames is an ITC format competition using the following rules pack: ITC 8th ed Combined Arms Missions. Each mission was rolled for randomly before the game and we were then all told which one to play.

        Game 5 low down:
        • Scenario 4 – The Scouring [check the rules pack linked above for all the details]
        • Search & Destroy deployment
        • 1 Eternal War Objective and 2 Maelstrom

        Moving down the tables I was on table 26 with only one pair below me and my partner Colin Mill’s Dark Angels. However, it turned out the two other players were ‘no shows’ and as such I’d managed to reach the bottom table – we were indeed fighting for the Wooden Spoon! The added bonus for me was seeing how Dark Angels fare in 8th. Colin had a vehicle heavy list [all lists are here], Razorbacks, couple of Predators, two Dreadnoughts and two Las Cannon Devastators with Azrael to buff his nearby units behind that ruin in the top left.

        I got first turn and rolled hold objective 1 and 2 for Maelstrom which meant I could swap them for hold 3 objectives. It’s a bigger gamble but the rewards were 3 VPs instead on a max of 2. It was doable as all three objectives were within [Death] spittingdistance of my DZ. I mean it was a competitive decision, I felt I had a 65-75% chance of success given the bodies on the board but failure would push me into Wooden Spoon territory. I couldn’t ignore the chance, to do so would spurned the gift, so I went for it.

        Flyrant and Carnifex moved on one of the Razorbacks, but no First Blood in this game! The Flyrant was spectacularly inneffective against the tank. He really needs a Melee weapon if I’m going to play him like this. I think further insult was added by possibly being killed by Colin in his following turn, he doesn’t appear in any further pictures.

        I thinned out the Devastators in the Ruins opposite my DZ but the 2 remaining wouldn’t break.

        The returned fire by killing the Tervigon. Support from the Predators were surprisingly effective, their Auto Cannon was particularly brutal, propmpting me to consider moving my own one further up my 2017/18 Hobby Season To Do List. Unfortunately it wasn’t enough to pull me off my objectives and I gained 3 VPs in my turn.

        Colin had inadvertanly positioned his units in such a way as to make my Trygon tunnel really difficult to place. I coudl certainly put them down, just nowhere to take benefit of their deployment, with trees and choke points all around. However, I’d drawn objective 1 and 2 again so a second chanc eto convert that to 3 objectives. The odds were prety even in success now. Without the Tervigon the Trygon and Genestealers could soak up the fire while everything else secured the three objectives.

        The Carnifex attempted what the Flyrant had failed to do and were equally unable to complete the task. The fact their Thresher Scyth tails is only S4 the reason for their inability to wound the tank.

        And therefore paid the price as the Razorback fell back leaving them exposed.

        And one Carnifex went down.

        The Trygon Prime was also felled but my line stayed true and I was able to secure another 3 VPs in my turn.

        I drew hold objective 2 and kill a unit. I’m not entirely sure what went down in this turn 3 [our final turn, believe it or not]. I know I ultimately scored both Maelstrom objectives. I think the Razorback got destroyed, I couldn’t quite get the last Devastator in the ruins and my remaining Genestealers tried to assault the two Razorbacks in the woods, not sure how many survived but the end of the game I’d won 8 VPs for Maelstrom [thanks to the three objective gambles], we tied the Eternal War mission on 4 VPs each and I got Linebreaker for my Carnifex while Colin Scored Big Game Hunter and Slay the Warlord – final score 13-6 to me – a win!

        Because of the win I was out of the Wooden Spoon competition and I was convinced Colin had been successful but he actually lost out on that ‘accolade’ by one VP. I suppose it’s no surprise to discover that Colin’s experience was limited, this may well have been his first five games of 8th if I recall but his sportsmanship was awesome and such a genuinely friendly bloke, his kilt was also particularly special 🙂

        There we have it, five games, one win, about right and Martin [owner of Wargames] did say, with no disrespect, that I’d found my place. The third floor was by far the most relaxed, even Aceface said it got progressively tense the higher up the tables [the lower down the building]. Every game was a treat, every player was a true gentleman of the hobby and as you know I did come away with Best Army and £50 to spend which will cover the Tyranid Codex and perhaps go towards an Exocrine if they ever return.

        I think as a ‘make or break’ for 8th it’s been apparent in my reports and comments that I still have reservations. It’s such a change that it’s clear I can’t continue to play 8th as I have 5th, 6th and 7th. Bottom line Tyranids are competitive and I currently am not. Whether getting better at the game can be achieved without that need to be ruthless that seems to predicate success I don’t know.

        The ITC format was interesting in the Maelstrom missions only scoring in your subsequent turn – this certainly led to some tactical thought to ensure you would still score your points after your opponents turn. But beyond that I think tactics in general have taken a huge hit. I keep referring to the first turn – regardless of missions it seems you have to decapitate as much of your opponent as you can because they’re sure as hell going to do that to you. Once you’ve blunted their force you have room to deal with whatever tactical missions are on the cards.

        I confess I’m not sure how this is different from me always striving for First Blood. but that can be achieved with just one unit, however small and a wrecked Rhino isn’t exactly ruining your day. Purge the Alien missions have always been my least favourite missions but it seems like this forms the core introduction to how 8th games pan out. Maybe there’s a little more finesse I’m missing because I’ll admit my grasp of how to approach games is sorely lacking. But this is still coming to terms with 8th and so long as my mates are still invested and I’m still having fun, which the NWO provided in abundance I’ll be there. Next stop – Nevermind the Blog Wars.

        2000pts battle report – Tyranids v Astra Milliwhatsit [TANKS!] – Game 4 – North West Open

        The North West Open Tournament @ Wargames is an ITC format competition using the following rules pack: ITC 8th ed Combined Arms Missions. Each mission was rolled for randomly before the game and we were then all told which one to play.

        Game 4 low down:
        • Scenario 6 – Secure & Control [check the rules pack linked above for all the details]
        • Spearhead Assault deployment
        • 1 Eternal War objective and 2 Maelstrom objectives

        Day two and after three losses I moved down to table 26, but I was so happy as it was Red Planet BASE! It would transpire my opponent was a ‘no show’ and as there were two missing I was matched against one of my Double Trouble 2 partners and Birthday Bash Veteran Rob Nathan. However Rob was not bringing his White Scars this time, he’d brought TANKS! and bucket loads of them, including a Shadow Sword! With such a destructive weapon on the board I didn;t see much point in putting the Hive Guard in the Bastion. I assumed as it was such a big target it would be knocked down pretty smartish.

        So everything huddled behind the hills, if not in cover at least attempting to be out of sight. Unfortunately not out of sight enough as the Bastion was ignored and the Shadowsword put it’s shooting into the Tervigon in Rob’s first turn.

        Luckily it’s weapons weren’t quite fired up and the Tervigon survived on three wounds.

        The rest of his tanks drew their aim at my Carnifex.

        Stripping off five wounds…

        and then the last three to score First Blood and most likely a Maelstrom point.

        My turn and I had to hold Objective 2, just in front of the Bastion and kill a unit. The remaining Carnifex Advanced, supported by the Flyrant. I targeted the nearest Leman Russ think I managed to degrade it to just a few wounds but ultimately couldn’t complete my kill a unit Maelstrom mission.

        The Tervigon and Termagants also Advanced, with the Brood Mother replenishing any casualties from the first turn of shooting.

        But their progress did not go unnoticed and the Tervigon was shot to pieces.

        The Carnifex too was judged an immediate threat and reduced to 2 wounds…

        and then none like it’s sibling. My push forward was being blunted pretty effectively.

        With less threats on the board Rob had opportunity to focus on the Bastion, stripping 13 wounds off it!

        As my assault diminished I tried to hunker down, retreating my Malanthrope to bolster my defences and score both objective 2 and have 3 units and no enemy units in my DZ. I knew how devastating the Guard shooting could be and having the Bastion, Hive Guard, Rippers, Warriors, Termagants and Malanthrope gave me double the units I needed for a bit of redundancy.

        While my push forward added a further distraction when the Genestealers and Trygon arrived in their tunnel. 
        But before I sent in the ground troops the Flyrant tried to assault the super heavy but they were waiting for him and the Volcan Cannon overwatched him like an insignificant fly.
        The Genestealers failed their charge and the Trygon need a charge of 8″ to reach the Shadowsword and I typically rolled a 1 and 2. So I used a command point to re-roll the 1 hoping for a 6

        and only went and got it!

        The Trygon managed to take it to 9 wounds, or do 9 wounds, not sure, but Rob said it was equal to the most amount of damage it had received in all the games, unfortunately not half as successful as it should have been.

        Rob retaliated by destroying the Bastion.

        The reveresed out of the combat to shoot the Trygon point blank, then mop up the Genestealers with ease.

        We tied for Eternal War objectives, both holding our own and scoring 4 points each but Rob had the Maelstrom mission for 8, First blood and Slay the Warlord for another 2. Final score was 14:4 another loss, but another great game and nice to pair up with Rob again. This is the great thing about the hobby and these tournaments, gettign to see the same faces again and catching up.

        As much as I’m enjoying the games, at this stage I’m a little disappointed about how bad I’m playing. I don’t honestly think it’s the ‘nids, they just feel like a tool I don’t know how to use. I think I’m actually going to be in with a shout for Wooden Spoon which would be an achievement of some sort but although it might be coming across as ‘protesting too much’ about not winning the fact is I don’t mind losing so long as I gave it my best and right now my best is pretty rubbish. Still, on to the last game.

        2000pts battle report – Tyranids v Necrons – Game 3 – North West Open

        The North West Open Tournament @ Wargames is an ITC format competition using the following rules pack: ITC 8th ed Combined Arms Missions. Each mission was rolled for randomly before the game and we were then all told which one to play.

        Game 3 low down:
        • Scenario 1 – Retrieval [check the rules pack linked above for all the details]
        • Dawn of War deployment
        • 1 Eternal War objective and 1 Maelstrom objective

        Moving down from table 22 to table 24 I was matched with David Woods and his Necrons. Unfortunately I didn’t take too many pictures so it’s a bit difficult to work out what went on. Additionaly I think this was David’s first ever tournament and third game of 8th edition so we spent a lot of time trying to get things right. I believe I won first turn but importantly you should note I totally messed up deployment. My big mistake was putting the bastion between those two ruins. In particular the two storey building meant none of my Monstrous creatures could be deployed inside as they had to climb up one side and down the other to get out as you can no longer ‘pass through walls’ by barging through with a difficult terrain test! Insead my Tervigon was forced into the single storey ruin on the left. Anyway, I drew Maelstrom objectives 1 and 2, which was possibly by my Bastion and where I brought the Trygon and Genestealers in, hoping to live to my turn 2. I was sure I killed something in turn 1 but it may have just been weight of fire into the Doomsday Ark to strip away all but 5 of it’s wounds, at least it degraded a bit.

        In return the Genestealers and Trygon were wiped off the board! This would deny me securing both objectives in my turn. The Flyrant was also wounded enough to reduce it at least one, if not two tiers of damage [they’re really not that good, or I’m not using then correctly].

        I scored my 1VP and drew Objective one and kill a unit. The Doomsday Ark was my best chance [even though it’s Living Metal had repaired one of it’s wounds]. The Flyrant swooped forward and I was able to take it down. Additional damage was wrought on the Warriors and Immortals.

        But most of them got back up again in their turn leaving me back where I started.

        Unbelievably, considering my results, throughout most of the day my dace rolling had been obscenely good. Quite often statistically improbable, which made me wonder just how bad a results I could have had. This I think was a series of saves, FnP and Tenacious Survivor results for my Flyrant leaving him still on the board.

        This gave the Flyrant the opportunity to assault one of the Doom Scythes, whose Death Ray was laying down all sorts of hurt with abandon. Unfortunately without any melee weapons I could only take it to 5 wounds left [which it would repair one – Living Metal]. Meanwhile the Carnifex and Malanthrope mad eit into combat but I couldn’t kill a unit

        Flying off left the Flyrant exposed and ultimately it was plucked from the sky. I think my conga lined Termagants managed to secure me the Eternal War mission and I got Line Breaker by deploying the Rippers in that Ruin in the back of the board where they couldn’t be seen [which is why I left them in there overnight!] I ended with 9 points but David got 11 with Line Breaker, Slay the Warlord and Big Game Hunter and the Maelstrom Mission win. Surprisingly my unit with the highest Power Level for Big Game Hunter was not the Flyrant, Trygon or even the two Carnifex but my Genestealers!

        Three games, three losses but again a really good game and David and I had a lot of fun. I totally screwed up my deployment, which highlighted another problem with the way 8th works now. LoS blocking buildings/ruins are so important nowadays to actually offer some protection for larger creatures/vehicles, but those pictured above serve up a massive nightmare for movement. Granted creatures/vehicles have so many more wounds now that the idea of protecting them further seems greedy but they’re still dieing in droves because heavy weapons are more destructive and small arms have chances to damage even when there used to be none.

        Anyway, it was a great game and I was ready for day 2, perhaps that wooden spoon could be mine…?

        The 2017/18 Hobby Season starts soon, join me!

        The 2017/18 hobby season will be starting soon so for those alumni who joined in last year it might be cool to look back at your lists at what you’ve achieved , what might have slipped and those lovely unexpected successes that happened despite life getting in the way and loss of mojo – I speak from experience.

        The original plan when I started with ‘big stamps of approval’ was that I wouldn’t do multi-coloured stamps, just alternate between red and green but who was I kidding? So I give you the official 40kaddict 2017/18 Great Big Gamboge Stamp of Approval! I’m sure the choice of colour seems a bit leftfield but yellow and orange are my two favourite colours and this sits somewhere between the two. Sharp eyed may also spot the blogspot URL, not the http://www.40kaddict.uk version from last year. This is in part because that was on the hard drive that became corrupt. It may have been salvaged in my recovery but I haven’t had chance to find a working version as yet and not had time to fix this beyond the colour swap, so we make do. As such the Great Build stamps aren’t available but I’ll see if I can find time to do them.

        Or you can record your achievements with an ‘unbranded’ version.

        And should you feel inclined todifferentiaite your efforts yet further here ‘s the major goal stamps
        And minor goals.

        Just a reminder of what it’s about, in 2011 I made my first To Do List, amusingly it now looks like this:

        • AoBR Tactical Squad
        • AoBR Dreadnought
        • AoBR Terminators
        • Scout Squad
        • Ravenwing bike squad
        • Dark Angel Drop Pod
        • Purity Seal all of my son’s Tyranids
        • Gloss Varnish all of my son’s Tyranids
        • Tyranid Prime
        • Mycetic Spore
        • Paint Vent Tower
        • Paint defence platforms x4
        • Complete pot pourri vegetation
        • Complete future containers
        • Complete 40k Cathedral tower
        • STC Single story ruin
        • STC Hex Defence platforms
        • STC Targus Assault Blockade
        • STC Vent tower
        • STC Athena plateau
        • STC Mercury plateau
        • STC 40k Cathedral tower
        • 60mm Dreadnought crater

        So 4 things still haven’t been done. The purpose was to try to focus my efforts to outline a list of things I’d love to do over a twelve month period and if I acheived any of them great, all of them, so much better. But more importantly I needed a structure to cling to when my efforts became aimless. That’s not to say deviations from the list were forbidden it was more for when I went ‘well what’s next?’

        It became an annual blog post to review what I’d done and set new tasks and throughout the year I would reveal my ‘To Dones!’ as completed items both on and off the list. Showcase posts are nothing new to hobby blogs but again it was a structure to help build the identity of this blog. Then in 2014 I invited readers and passers-by of the blog to join in. Well, when you have a good idea why not share it around. I got about 10 people joining in and it looked like we were quite a supportive little bunch. I think over time steam ran out a little bit but last year folk joined in again and hopefully the same will ring true for 2017/18.

        To help things out a bit I’ve created a Hobby Season Facebook group, it’s here:


        So, if you’re joining in just ask and I’ll add you in, that way you can share your blog posts or any efforts to those also joining in. I hope this platform will allow more interaction for those taking part and keep us all motivated.

        I guess the last question is why 28th August as the start/end date, why not January 1st?
        I think back in 2011 it was at that time I thought a structure needed to be in place and it was as good a time as any to post a To Do List, afterall the footy season starts around this time too, no one complains about that, do they?

        Anyway, 28th August join me for the new Hobby Season 🙂

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