GW Southport

When I was at GWSouthport for Armies on Parade I took some pics of the figures in the display cabinet. So I thought I’d share them here because I still don’t have much content to keep me going so I’ll just have to make do with this for the mo.

 A nice Necron Night Scythe

Space Pixie paper plane.

Some crazy dark Space Wolves

Fab purple metallic Necrons

Yet more of the Crons

And that’s your lot.

What’s on my palette?

Crap all! As Blog Wars apporached and the building work transformed into decorating pretty much the only painting I did was walls, doors and skirting boards. The den where I do most of my hobby work became a dumping fround for soft furnishings preventing me from painting and I’ve still to discover my missing 11 Genestealers amongst all the detritus. However, as of Tuesday the last of the carpets were fitted and asside for tidying and remedial bits and bobs the house is pretty much done.

I’ll expect a renewed push by my better half to remove the hobby paraphernalia to a shed or garage within the next couple of months particularly as I feel some stirrings of my hobby mojo. I was actually devoid of all mojo for a period, definitely not helped by those missing Stealers. I still pottered but I felt no desire or motivation to get on and do stuff but I’m starting to feel like I’ve lost a lot of time and just want to get stuff done. Unfortunately I have a lot of stuff at building stage when I actually just want to paint. So I’m going to be sensible and just do the things that will move me on.

  1. First up my Blood Bowl Elves only need to have their base edges painted and varnished. That’s a super quick win and they’re on my hobby list too.
  2. Secondly, my Realm of Battle board. I just need to add some extra washes in all the crack and then do the skulls again, so many skulls…
  3. I’ve some resin that needs washing…
  4. And if I get bored with all that my Dark Vengeance Tactical Squad can be finished off. 

Four tasks that I’m going to focus on and get boxed off and hopefully in the porcess I’ll discover those missing Stealers! I appreciate this isn’t much of a post but it’s a statement of intent that I’m off the wagon again and gearing up to paint.

Terrain is everything – ‘Tis the season to pick up your trees

A few years ago I picked up a bag of model trees from Dobbies, our local garden centre [and craft shop]. They only have them in the run up to Christmas as they’re for making your own Christmas scene with miniature revelers and holiday nik-naks. In fact I tried to get some more last year and they had none in stock.

Now I haven’t had chance to go this year but I’m hoping they’re back in stock and just thought I’d remind folk about them. The set I got was 21 pieces from a company called Lemax for £13 which I think is good value. Clearly there’s at least two that are just a bit too big, they’re the same size as my 40k outpost that got bigger! but great line of sight blockers for a Trygon!
Of course they weren’t going to fit with my table so I decided to paint them – undercoating them all in Red Oxide primer and then repainting them in shades of yellow.
And here’s the finished result:

Blog Wars 8 Armies

Alex already put up his photographs from the painting competition but I didn’t want to steal his thunder[wolves] so here are my own shaky cam shots of those armies who mustered for the painting competition. I’ll let the pics do most of the talking so just enjoy.

First up Space Wolves:

Secondly, Space Wolves.

And thirdly, erm Space Wolves – PeteB’s very own.

Typically PeteB has put the Imperial Knight on ebay already!

Finally, something different, Space Pixies!

Evil Space Pixies.

More Space Pixies, Evil and the Poet kind.

Gareth’s Ta on a trampoline.

Howling Griffons [?] and the Rebel Alliance.

Brazen Claws [although I thought they were the Brown Claws, which conjured a completely different fluff image for me].

Crimson Fists

Ben’s Necrons, I still think these are really good, certainly the best painted of his armies, even if I’ve still to smash their little metal minds apart.

And the overall winner with Evil Space Pixies, my mate Liam. Of course he cheated by adding in his Tantalus which wasn’t in his army list but I’ll forgive him, it was his birthday afterall, although he kept it very quiet.

Sorry, just trying to get a decent shot of this…

And here was my own effort, that came second but you’ve seen all this stuff before.

Incidentally Alex mentioned he didn’t get a pic of my ‘Deathleaper’, that’s no surprise as I was still proxying my Lictor but if you want to see him in all his glory all the pics are here:

Blog Wars 8 1850pt battle report game 3 – nids vs Tau

Gareth Newton Williams was my last game with his Tau on a Skyshield. By this stage I’m relegated to one of the lower tables, with PeteB on the next to bottom and Liam on the last with Blog Wars very own founder Alex. We all started to have a great laugh with PeteB opposite another PeteB and his Necrons who proudly exclaimed he didn’t run the usual suspects, no Annihilation Barges, Flyers or all the other usual cheesy nonsense, y’know the stuff my mate Ben takes. But with perfect comedic timing Gareth interjected with the line ‘and that would explain you playing on the bottom tables’! We just fell about laughing and that set the tone for the game. Even with a highly time-sensitive mission where every palyer turn after game turn 1 allows you to score points Gareth and I chatted amd discussed things like my not taking the Skyshield, which would have been fun opposite his

Psychic Powers
Winged Tyrant  Tervigon Plain Tr Tervigon Miasma
The Horror Warp Blast Paroxysm
Warp Blast Dominion Dominion

The low down:

  • I won deployment, elected to go first but typically lost the initiatve, go Tau shooters
  • Warlord Trait – Deathleaper has Mindeater – +2VP for every IC slain in a challeneg
  • Night fighting not turn 1 [also typical against a Tau gunline].

The last thing I needed was to lose the initiative and night fighting. With my Hive Tyrant on top of the Bastion and Venomthrope outside he was just in cover range but some of my other units were outside, which if he’d been in the Bastion they’d be safer.

    As it was all these guys on the Skyshield, together with the Markerlights from the Pathfinders in the woods dropped a couple of wounds on the Flyrant, who at least couldn’t be grounded.

    Mmm, some Pirannahs…

    Further fire from the Skyshield took out two Hive Guard and put a wound on the Carnifex. Even a couple of Stealers got killed despite their excellent cover. It’s all for nught when the Tau can ignore it with their Smart Missiles – like Impaler Cannons but fired by creatures with a Ballistic Skill and can see more than 24″ [no I’m not bitter! they’re probably half the points n’all! ruddy fish ‘eads]

    With my turn I swooped forwards hoping to end the Pathfinders, maybe causing them to rout, but to no avail. Genestealers headed to distract, they can’t assault after Infiltrate anyway.

    Lost of gaunts spawned, double figures for both and I rushed to swamp the objectives so that I would still be holding them all at the end of Gareth’s turn 2 and get me my first VPs [note Deathleaper is not on the board there he’s waiting to Deep Strike]

    The Flyrant gets killed, it helps when you can just add Skyfire to your units. The lead brood of Stealers, First Blood is gone at least.

    Second unit of Genestealers gets wiped out too losing the objective, perhaps if they’d just been in range of the Shrouded Bastion they may have survived. I get 2 VPs from the other two objectives.

    Deathleaper arrives in my turn. I manage to position him so the Riptides can’t Intercept. There’s no angle for the one on the Skyshield and hes’d hidden fromt he one that jumped off. It’s Flesh Hooks rake the back of the Tau [whatever it is] but do nothing. I also moved the unit of Gaunts with the Carnifex up to my unsecured objective but within range of the Bastion which gets me another 3VPs [5:1]

    Having lost one of the Pirannahs to the charging Stealers the remaining three adopted a protective formation to hide their weaker rear armour and promptly removed the larger brood of Stealers from play. I still held all thre objectives so this takes me to 8:1

    In a bold move Deathleaper clambers onto the Skyshield declaring he wants to challenge the Ethereal. Gareth is astounded by the temerity of such a challenge and agrees that if he can get passed all the overwatch he’ll accept.

    The fact is even just the supporting Overwatch from the Riptide is enough to wipe the Galaxy’s ultimate assassin from the face of the planet! Bye, bye Deathleaper, you suck. I may go for Old One Eye or the Swarmlord in a Tyrannocyte next time. So Gareth gets Slay the Warlord but I collect another 3 VPs from objectives making it 11:2

    I continued to spawn double figure Termagants [for time throwing down genestealers instead of rooting around my myriad takeaway tubs], but obviously you can see there’s a triple 1 in that dice roll. Well those five dice are my Tervigon’s saving throws from the Pirannahs…

    and here’s what’s left the termagants when their brood mother goes POP. Gareth seemed to be unaware of this unexpected bonus so with renewd vigour tried to pop the other Tervigon taking it to just 1 wound left. Despite this and some gaunts routing and some resorting to Instinctive behaviour I still hold all the objectives taking the score to 14:2.

    Gareth continues to pour fire into my dwindling bugs and I make numerous cover saves in the trees as the Tau enact deforestation on levels similar to those seen in the Amazon. The last Tervigon hides behind the Bastion but Longsight moves off the Skyshield and manages to target it with Smart Missiles. The Missiles swoop round the Bastion and score a wound…

    So much for it’s armour save, the Tervigon pops, taking another slew of its babies with them but I still manage to stay on the objectives.

    With the final turn in play [well I mean, as time runs out] I score another 3 VPs taking the final score to 17:2. The Tau managed to perform a great display of precision shooting but failed to grasp the tactic of holding an objective.

    Having a chat with Gareth I think he felt the same way Ben did when we played, by advancing on the objectives he would have been exposed to some teeth and claws, although I doubt I’d have got too many kills on the armoured or high toughness models. I think the Skyshield influences you to stay put too. Of course Tau can do that with their long range firepower but when you pay for this defensive stronghold it creates a mindset to stay on it for as long as possible. Ultimately he left it too late to capture the objectives but I think that was also because I’d spawned particularly well and had surrounded each point with so many bodies [something I didn’t have the opportunity with when I played Ben].

    It was a great game, which sadly didn’t reflect the damage Gareth had wrought but as I always say you have to play the mission. But we had a whole lot of fun and I managed to come away with a win so at least ‘nids are better than Dark Eldar 😉
    One other point of note is how Gareth achievd his digital camo. This was revealed in another lengthy chat mid-game when we should have been attempting to score objectives. He sprayed the models with a Dark Green and then applied the sponge sticky pads used in decoupage to mask areas off then sprayed the lighter colour on top. He still has to add some shading but I thought it was a really clever and effective trick, so thought I’d share.

    Blog Wars 8 1850pt battle report game 2 – nids vs Grey Knights/White Scars

    Sam Georgiou was up next, Josh’s gaming buddy. He had Grey Knights, with White Scar Allies. I haven’t really played against Grey Knights since PeteB got rid of his. If you recall PeteB often ran two Dreadknights so I should have been a little more prepared but I’ve probably forgotten much of my tactics.

    Psychic Powers
    Winged Tyrant  Tervigon Plain Tr Tervigon Miasma
    Warp Blast The Horror Onslaught
    Catalyst Dominion Dominion

    The low down:

    • Game 2 – The Emperor’s Relic with Vanguard deployment
    • I won deployment and went first
    • Warlord Trait – Deathleaper has Mindeater – +2VP for every IC slain in a challenge
    • Night fighting turn 1.

    Unfortunately I forgot to take pictures until after turn 1 so you’ll have to make do with the following description of the action. I was lucky in that our board had plenty of ruins so I had plenty of options to deploy the Genestealers successfully.  However Sam set up a unit of bikes in the right hand ruins, denying me access to the far right one but seemed to miss the fact the one further into his DZ had a first floor, so I deployed a unit there. 2 Broods were in the centre ruin and Deathleaper was to Deep Strike. In my turn 1 the Flyrant swooped towards the bikes that are shown driving off to the left. Brainleech worms did some significant wounds and Sam tanked them on the Space Marine captain who promptly failed his saves, died and gifted me First Blood!

      My objective was in the Cathedral, surrounded by a brood of Stealers. I moved the Tervigons forwards hoping to push towards Sam’s objective and reinforce the middle one I already owned. I foolishly forgot to spawn more gaunts. in fact thanks to trying to cast Warp Blast I forgot a number of things as because it’s a Witchfire you automatically think you’re in the Shooting Phase and carry on shooting and miss elements from a previous phase. I spread out my gaunts hoping to cut off the bikers that were trying to flank me and sneak for my objective.

      I also deployed a brood in the cathedral in the centre of the board, with the centre objective [I only put one Stealer down as it was difficult to get my hand in].

      Sam’s objective was behind this hill.

      Sam then decamped from the ruins and headed for his own objectives, moving the Dreadknight backwards to deal with the Stealers in his DZ…

      which he promptly did by roasting them alive.

      Bye, bye Linebreaker.

      The Carnifex managed to do some damage to the dreadknight.

      But was clearly punished for it’s temerity, even with Catalyst and it’s Feel No Pain. Honestly, all the hops you have to jump through to get the power and then it doesn’t flippin’ work!

      Deathleaper arrives turn 2 and smashes open the Cathedral doors.

      Shooting at Draigo and his Grey Knights but doing little. He then closes the doors and waits.

      I charge the Genestealers into the Dreadknight, but can’t bring myself to throw in the Tervigon too as I’m convinced it’ll just get pummelled taking the Termagants with it. As a troop I need to keep him safe but this may have been a tactical error as the Stealer fail to capitalise on their weight of attacks on the charge.

      With the Tervigon and some spawned gaunts holding the centre objective the Stealer brood  sally forth and assault the Terminators, one Grey Knight falls to the ultimate assault creature

      3 Genestealers fall to the chopping Halberds and Hammers [sounds like an RPG]!

      The second unit of Knights drop in behind my line, Sam went bold and only deviated a couple of inches, sadly no mishap and Interceptor on my Quad Gun does nothing

      Unfortunately they can’t really see anything to shoot so I get a healthy cover save meaning my Stealer remain intact while the second blob of gaunts head behind the Bastion to reinforce my objective and bubble wrap against the Paladins.

      The other gaunts spread wide but that dreadknight can jump so they won’t stop it, then again I probably should have charged and locked it in combat but I was trying to make a wide screen offering options to all three objectives.

      Bikers and Assault Bikes multi-assault my termagants locking them in combat.

      I do a couple of wounds but suffer a few dead and remain locked.

      Dreadknight and stealer continue to play patty-cake, then the brood of three Hit & Run towards the locked Terminators leaving space for the Tervigon to move in next turn.

      Deathleaper eventually joins this assault, challenges, Draigo accepts takes all six S6 rending attacks on his armour and then smears Deathleaper across the Cathedral walls [ultimate assassin creature my a$$]

      The last Stealer is chopped to pieces too and the unit consolidates.

      Th Stealer Brood from my objective charge the Paladins, losing 2 Stealers to 1 Paladin 😦

      Hive Guard join the 2 remaining stealers who are splatted, but the added bulk of the Hive Guard prevails

      And the Dreadknight finally falls while the other brood attacks Draigo’s unit who are more than happy to take them on thanks to their psychic powers and Apothecary.

      I’d debated long and hard where to send this Tervigon, with time running out we didn’t have enough turns from to reach Sam’s objective with spawning gaunts so I sent the tervigon to shore up my own objective and spawn more gaunts round it and landed the Flyrant to capture Sam’s but although he survived some Multimelta fire, lost full control of the objective by the contesting bikes. Draigo [as a uber-scoring unit in BW8] contested the centre objective so my objective was where the final showdown would take place. The Dreadknight wisely disregarded the Tervigon and managed to roast all but two Termagants holding my objective. The Dreadknight charges and out of it’s 5 monstrous attacks manages to kill just one of the valiant defenders. Unbelievably I’ve won 7:2 … except I haven’t yet, we forgot Hammer of Wrath so Sam rolls and unsurprisingly wounds. If I make my Armour Save I’ve won… that would a 6 I need then… doh!

      So the final score was 17:2, 15 + Slay the Warlord and Linebreaker for Sam and First Blood and Linebreaker for me. This was a great game, Sam was very Tactical throughout, which given the limited units he had to secure/contest/defend three objectives he did amazingly. I was utterly let down by the psychic phase and Deathleaper in particular. Seriosusly, Deathleaper only had to take one wound off Draigo with six attempts and couldn’t do it, pathetic! Once again the Stealers were the most pivotal units. even if they did very little it was them holding units at bay or being the first turn targets in Sam’s DZ which meant he wasn’t advancing and picking on my bigger more valuable scoring

      Blog Wars 8 1850pt battle report game 1 – nids vs Necrons

      First up was Josh with a C’Tan shard, Overlord in a command barge, Necron Scarab Swarm and allied Helbrute formation! Josh intoduced himself as only recently returned to the hobby so still very much a 40k newb which boded well for me considering I seem to be regularly beaten by those either new to the game or new to their army. In particular Tyranid noobies seem to beat me without fail!

      Psychic Powers
      Winged Tyrant  Tervigon Plain Tr Tervigon Miasma
      The Horror Warp Blast Catalyst
      Onslaught Dominion Dominion

      The low down:

      • Game 1 – Cleanse the Xenos with Hammer & Anvil deployment
      • I won deployment and went first
      • Warlord Trait – Deathleaper has Mindeater – +2VP for every IC slain in a challeneg
      • Night fighting turn 1.

      Having found enough Genestealers to replace those I’d left G.O.D. knows where I  deployed 15 in the ruin in Josh’s DZ. The remaining Manufactorum Genestealers occupied the middle ground alongside Deathleaper.

        The remaining force spread out in my back field to keep them away from weapons and hopefully prevent the Helbrutes materialising.

        And let battle commence.

        Hive Tyrant swoops forwards, Genestealers stay put, they can’t assault anyway so may as well keep them there. Carnifex advances alongside the Hive Guard.

        With so many Scarabs heading my way I repositioned the Tervigons to potentially pump out some bubble wrap.

        I unleashed the Flyrant on the C’tan and Brainleech Worms took 2 wounds off it.

        Josh spawned more Scarabs, a risky tactic in Purge the Alien as you’re just adding more VPs to the table, but he seemed unperturbed.

        They skittered forwards and assaulted Deathleaper

        He killed a couple but was swarmed asunder giving Josh First Blood and a healthy dose of VPS. Meanwhile the Command Barge assaulted the Genestealers in the centre ruin, killing a couple and the C’tan headed for the Stealers in the DZ ruin and may have killed the brood [or was this Josh’s First Blood?]. A unit of Scarabs also assaulted the Stealers, only killing a couple due to the difference in Weapon Skill and strength/toughness.

        With the Scarabs exposed the Carnifex peppered them with Brainleech worms, double strength insta-killing 9 bases!

        The Flyrant also made use of Brainleech living ammo to shoot the C’tan.

        Who promptly exploded, somehow it must have been ground as it only took one wound. Not sure how that happened.

        With no other targets the remaining Genestealer assaulted the already engaged Scarabs and wiped them out. Meanwhile some of the Spyders took wounds.

        The unengaged Stealers in the centre ruin joined their brood siblings and attacked the barge.

        With some heavy duty Rending hits

        The Command Barge was gone and thankfully didn’t reanimate. A healthy crop of VPs for me.

        Some strange smoke erupted from the wrecked vehicle! What? I’m forging a narrative here!

        I think that Obyron joining the Warriors there, hoping to take out the wounded Flyrant.

        Yet more Scarabs, and they’re hungrily looking at all that Bastion to eat because I bubble wrapped the Carnifex.

        Half the Scarabs assaulted the Hive Guard I think I came out better only losing one Hive Guard but we’re all Fearless so we remain locked.

        The Scarabs get they’re nibblers on the Bastion

        And reduce it to a sloppy mess, taking the Quad Gun and the Venomthrope with it.

        With the Flyrant on the ground everyone assaults and Obyron accepts the Flyrants challenge and gets eaten.

        As the ground up pieces of living metal fall to the ground they coalesce back into the Necron hero and his learning protocols remove all challenge acceptance confirmations for a Tyranid bioform of this scale.

        Spyders eat through a brood of Genestealers.

        Carnifex assaults the other Spyders, does some damage but comes off just as bad with MC Vs MC.

        The Flyrant bashes Warriors but still can’t get to Obyron, the Spyders head to break the stalemate.

        More spawned gaunts join the Hive Guard but they begin to take casualties and the melee remains locked.

        Helbrutes finally materialise, they put some damge on a Tervigon but mostly it remains unharmed.

        Eventually time is called and we tot up the results 793 +2VP [Line Breaker and Slay the Warlord] to Josh’s 919 +3VP. I was actually quite surprised I didn’t do more damage and had been lucky as a lot of  my units were not passed the half strength mark so hadn’t scored. I know I killed a lot of scarabs, which aren’t much points but the Command Barge wasn’t cheap. Perhaps the relief I felt not having to tackle the Helbrutes backfired in that essentially those points never got a chance to be secured by me, although I’m not so sure what could have taken them, probably the Carnifex…

        Anyway, aside from the super quick deployment [all things considered] this was another typical first game loss but a fun game. Josh was quite apologetic about his list but although Scarab swarms aren’t a fun concept I never once felt I wasn’t enjoying the game and as I said at the beginning experience is no guarantee for success. Anyway, on to game two.

        Josh and I mid game from From the Fang

        Blog Wars 8 – The Aftermath

        Saturday was Blog Wars 8 and I had so much fun With PeteB, Liam and Ben. We all went as a group, PeteB taking his Space Wolves, Liam his Dark Eldar and Ben taking my arch-nemesis – Necrons. We all had a great time despite a less than stellar succes right [in gaming terms]. According to the results I came 18th, with Ben typically taking the best slot out of our group – 10th [although he faced some unique new combos that finally taught his crons ‘fear’]. PeteB came 22nd and Liam was dead last at 26th.

        PeteB’s Space Wolves

        On the plus side that won him the coveted Wooden Spoon Prize, Certificate and £5 voucher for Element Games and on his birthday too! But the prizes didn’t end there, PeteB picked up a spot prize when one of his unit was killed when his blast weapon deviated onto his own Thunderwolves. He picked up a pack of Tactical Objective cards for the failure and gifterd them to Liam [as it was his birthday.

        Liam’s Dark Eldar

        Then Liam won best painted army [I cam 2nd], another £15 voucher for Element Game, and on his birthday he even picked up best Character for a further £10 voucher. to cap it all PeteB won a Voidraven bomber in the raffle and then ‘on his birthday’ Liam won a Muderfang Dreadnought so Liam and PeteB promptly swapped prizes. We owned BW8!

        Ben’s Necrons
        Hive Feleet Gorgon – Ferron Splinter Fleet
        I even managed to discover about a dozen packs of Tactical objective cards in the Element Games shop, they’re right there on the counter and you can order online, although if you get chanc eto visit it is like Aladdin’s Cave.

        I did take pictures so hopefully I’ll get some battle reports done. The only real downside to the day had nothing to do with the tournament or the games but the fact when I came to unpack my army at the start of the day, which hasn’t been touched since Armies on Parade. I seem to be missing my CORE toolbox, not to mention a takeaway tub full of my latest Genestealers

        Admittedly it doesn’t look like this inside now, but it does contain my Warriors, Primes, some Stealers, both Broodlords and assorted odds and sods. Luckily I had sufficent models to make do in all my games but when I returned home I could find no sign of either of these in our back room. Of course it’s full of allsorts at the moment but the CORE box would at least stand out. I can only imagine I left it at GW after Armies on Parade but can’t contact them until Wednesday and I’d expect they would have tried to let me know if I had left stuff

        Either way it put a downer on what was an otherwise fantastic day. Fingers crossed it’ll turn up somewhere and we’ll all make BW9 and 10

        • Blog Wars 9 – Saturday 6th June 2015
        • Blog Wars 10 – Saturday 7th November 2015
        The CORE box was indeed left at GW after AoP the manager even let me know on the Facebook group but I think my Swiss cheese addled home DiY brain excised that info from my brain, maybe it was the Inquisition? I think I even said in reply it would give me reason to return for my silver medal. The Stealers on the other hand… I think they may be hiding under some new curtains or a loo brush 😉

        Blog Wars 8 – The Reckoning [army list]

        I ‘ummed’ and ‘aahhed’ quiye a bit about this but my decision was made a little easier when Alex released me from my promise to take the Skyshield. It’s great and all but 7th edition deployment and the BW missions make it less useful. The limitations on list choices were relaxed a bit, I’d love to have had another detachment so I could run [swoop] two Flyrants but at least I got the Genestealers which hopefully play havoc with my opponents deployment. They’re such a curve ball I had to take them. It’s just the fact your opponent who has spent long and hard formulating a list that does something begins with 25 Genestealers within 6″ [terrain permitting of course] of their setup. Suddenly you have to amend your plan and having put them on the back foot hopefully I can capitalise. Sure they’re a potential easy First Blood sacrifice but it is five targets and I can go to ground in the ruin and when you add in night-fighting they can persevere. Meanwhile the rest of your army is unscathed…

        Of course I had to drop the Mawloc, Zoanthrope and Biovores from my last list to fit everything in. The Mawloc can work, he defnitely benefits from Deathleaper but I can’t gamble on his reserve rolls and his killing potential can be questionable. The Zoanthrope is a loss, the extra shooting BS on the Quad Gun, Synapse and +2 Warp Charge and powers. However the Venomthrope gives me mobile cover, which is more a hangover from when it was on the Skyshield but think it’ll do well extending it’s cloud from the Bastion! The Biovores are a loss too, but although I’ve seen them become more effective over the last 10 months I’ve actually found them less worrying for my opponent. Previously they were targetted no matter what and succombed regularly. Nowadays I still have both pottering around. When they work they can do a number but they’re still a bit hit and miss.

        I lost a unit of Warriors too from my last list but I managed to keep the Two Tervigons which will hopefully provide the Synapse and extra bodies. I may have a lot less firepower but I’m hoping I have staying power which for the objective missions will gain me the advantage. I’ve got 96 models with two lots of spawning which will be extremely effective this time around, the Hive Mind assures me of such. So it’s all about the numbers. Looking at the other entries, which is sadly not as many as BW7, there seems to be Space Wolves, Eldar and Crons aplenty, we’ll see what I face and whether it includes Ben, Liam or PeteB who will be attending also.

        Ultimately though Blog Wars is a fun tournament, it’s meant not to be too competitive and although I find 1850pts in two and a half hours quite pressuring, especially as I’ve gone moar horde than last time, I really hope to have a fun time. BW6 I actually came 4th, BW7 I was 12th but both times I managed to lose games stupidly and then balance that out with ridiculous wins of maximum points so the end result is not important. Hopefully BW9 will be back up to numbers, apparently there’s one of the National 40k GT’s on in Manchester on the same day so that may explain why some folk aren’t attending. I’ll definitely be pushing BW9 for Alex next year, its’ a great event and when you put in the effort to make it happen it deserves to be a success, thankfully there are enough numbers for it to break even and have a decent raffle and prize fund regardless. 
        So, without further ado, my BW8 list:

        Hive Tyrant, with 2 x Twin Linked Devourers, Wings
        Deathleaper [Special Character]

        3 x Hive Guards
        1 x Venomthrope

        Tervigon with Stinger Salvo, Scything Talons,
        30 x Termagants with Fleshborers
        Tervigon with Stinger Salvo, Miasma Cannon
        30 x Termagants with Fleshborers

        Heavy Support 
        Carnifex with 2 x Twin Linked Devourers

        Bastion with Quad Gun

        Tyranid Datasheet 
        Manufactorum Genestealers
        5 x Genestealers
        5 x Genestealers
        5 x Genestealers
        5 x Genestealers
        5 x Genestealers

        TOTAL: 1850

        Moar of Otty’s Inquisition force

        Otty sent these through to the Facebook group again but not everyone wants to get their fix of the 40kaddict [such as it is these days 😦 ] through the book of face. So I’m sharing it here because they deserve the wider audience and right now I don’t have any content anyway [sorry folks]! But do I love the effect on these shields!I’m enot sure if it’s meant to be a marble effect or battle damage but they’re fantastic.

        As promised, here are some pics of LOTR witch king converted into inquisitional death cult assassins. These are 3 of ultimately 9. I’m still sticking to the plan to convert, and every model have some robes and metal on them. The plan for these is to assault out of an land raider redeemer. I am not convinced by the brass etched inquision eyes, I think perhaps freehand painted ones would have been better.

        Personally I like the brass etch and it’s really quite impressive how the Lord of the Rings models have been ‘grimdarked’ to fit into 40k. The simple addition of servo-skulls and bolt-pistols. These be-robed models could be easily integrated into a Dark Angels force, either as scouts or servitor/thralls

        Anyway, lets hope Otty has some more stuff to share because I’m fresh out of juice, although I have my Blog Wars list to share…

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