Dark Angels – Devastators and Dark Vengeance Tactical Squad

Given there are only two new pictures of the Devastator squad I thought I’d bundle in the Tactical squad too. Anway, greens gone on, black lined in places and Tin Bitz ready to do my bronze effects. All very slap dash at this stage, except around the base which needs to be kept tidy as they’re done.

Once again it’s slow progress as I’m doing these altogether with other squads and quite frankly I don’t enjoy doing the metallics. Still there’s only five of them and they should progress quickly once the metallics are complete.

Just a little reminder of how these used to be:

Dark Vengeance Squad is at the same stage.

I hadn’t planned to do these so soon but thought I’d just go ahead and prepare them alongside the Devastators.

That way I can focus on the Devs but throw some paint on these at the same time and then when I get bored there’s no pressure for me to carry on and I can pause as it’s something else that’s done.

It’s amazing what a few Bolter straps, scopes and combat blades can do to just make these a little more individual. If you recall I was a little critical on the variety on these models so I did something about it.

Looking forward to doing the Plasma weapons, they’re going to be yellow plasma I think.

And at least it will be a relief not to have to free hand the Chapter symbol, I suppose that’s one bonus against the AoBR models.

Onwards and upwards

Dark Angels – Dark Vengeance Deathwing

Quick Micro Blog of my Dark Vengeance Deathwing. I’d teased some pics of this on my last ‘confession’ so thought I’d share the remaining WIPs

Lots of red on these, I may regret not sticking closely to the standard GW colour scheme but I need them to tie in but also look different to my Assault on Black Reach Terminators.

With the red done I’ll now Army painter Strong Tone the lot to bring out the shadows in the red and the metallics, which will then be ready for my Turquoise verdigris.

I’m pretty sure I can do a good job on the Bonewhite, its not like I don’t get the practice on the nids, it’s just all the other bits. I’m also looking forward to playing with that Chaos Space marine helm on the Sergeants base. I know which chapter it’s going to be but I wonder if you can guess?

I’m not sure if I’ve ever mentioned but it’s one I think will tie in nicely with some existing and future fluff for Ferron Proxima so get your thinking/guessing hats on.

‘nids part 148 – TO DONE! – Genestealers, more of them!

11 Stealers, not on my list but they were always going to be necessary should I go ahead with my Armies on Parade board. I need MOAR! figures should that happen and stealers fill that roll admirably as they’re cheap and plentiful on ebay and they are visually more impressive than Termagants and take up more room.
Here’s the potential extra Broodlord, although I think any of the ones that are standing on the defeated remains of my very own Deathwing could also pass as Broodlords. He may well be added to my 9 Ymgarls to fill out their brood to 10, just because he has the additional armour plates on his back.

Love my little ground burster nod to the old Ymgarls, he’s still nearly as tall as a marine though!

They all look like they have pinstripe pants on thanks to my fibrous grain effect on their Bonewhite.

Although the Chitin plates look quite cool.

“What’s that coming over the hill? Is it a monster?” – Yep!

The Brood advances.

The view from Servitor Satellite X-Delta-37i

Veiny temples.

Come at me!

Here are the remaining Genestealers to compare and contrast [although I foolishly left 7 in my figure case].

Twin Broodlords, “why?” These should be good in 7th, what with Dominion making them Synapse Creatures, even with only a 6″ Synapse range. Look forward to trying these out.

Quite a difference with these old ones, no grain on the Bonewhite, the old liver [brown] colour on only the muzzle, hands and feet. At the very least I need to repaint all the Mechrite red edges with my Vallejo Heavy Red. It’s not as opaque as the old Foundation paints but three coats will put a nice durable finish on these. 

Whether I go the whole hog and re-tint all the liver bits red is something else. Probably not, too much else to do and these are effectively done.

They add some variety to the mix, old skool, nu-skool, Chitin armoured, Scytals. A nice blend of Stealer variants to help identify broods.

The next thing to do is add some with Adrenals and Toxin sacs for more variety and maybe do Turquoise on the front of the chests so they look like the Broodlords with their body warmers.

The old Ymgarls didn’t even have the grain effect on their limbs, they did have highlights on their fleshy red bits, something I chose not to do on my new ones.

The relentless horde.

Old and new, together as one.

Another picture of Genestealers…

Servitor Satellite X-Delta-37i picks up another shot of the advancing horde.

Big blue tick for being a good boy, now go do some Dark Angels!

‘nids part 147 – Genestealers, more of them!

Micro-blog, not much today as I try to keep my blogging activity under control, i.e. keep you up-to-date/keep painting/keep blogging. So this is my eleven Stealers that will help bolster the 12 original Space Hulk Stealers, 12 Macragge and 9 Ymgarls [and 2 Broodlords]. 44 in total, not quite enough to fill out the entire Leviathan data-slates but getting there.

I also have the new Space Hulk model on the left with the Warrior Scything Talons. It’s not the Broodlord model but given how big he is I don’t see why he couldn’t pass as one. I’m going to keep an eye out for any other cheap ebay ‘steals’ hopefully add to the broods.

On the plus side these are now complete so I’ll treat you to their ‘To Done’ shots next time [although I have since added a little bit of flock to the bases] and some with almost all of the rest of the horde, I think I missed off seven of their number 😦

Wednesday night Blood Bowl

‘Hey Sports Fans’, having glutted a bit on oversized 40k games in our last few showdowns it was time to bring some fun back to PeteB and I’s gaming and in comes Blood Bowl – 2nd Edition! Pete hasn’t played for 20+ years so I had a bit of an advantage, both with the few games I’ve played over the last three years and my numerous games of the current version of Blood Bowl on my son’s DS.

I thought it only right to let Pete take the Elves, given his love of space pixies and I went with my Skaven. Their stats are pretty similar in 2nd Edition, except Elves are much better Throwers and Catchers and I get an extra Movement, which became surprisingly useful. Pete took most of the pictures so it will be mainly from the Elf perspective but I’ll try to relay the action. I started with the ball, we immediately decided not to use the deaf/blind Dwarven referee, better stick with the normal rules.

Having made it half way up the field the Elves hit back, managing to KO one of my Skaven and Kill another! Pete ended up with two Stunned and one KO’d Elf for his trouble. This did not look good, but I still had the ball and my Catcher with four arms and tentacles [just the model, he didn’t have the mutations] had already sprinted past the Elf line of defence [out of shot] and was heading for the End Zone.

The Elves caught up to my Catcher but failed to bring him down. He was able to dance through their tackle zones, reach the End Zone and secure a Long Pass from my Thrower to make it 1:0.

With the Elves taking the Offensive Pete adopted a crazy twin wedge formation. Its great to see how other people play. Having been so long since he played he was just trying stuff out and it was actually challenging to  counter his tactics.

Pete managed to get one of his Elves behind my line but went and injured one of my Skaven which would later allow me to bring on a reserve right next to his Catcher with the ball.

Unfortunately my reserve wasn’t able to take the Catcher down and he [or she, it’s difficult to tell with Elves 😉 ] danced out of the grasp of the Lineman and skirt [so it probably was a girl, skirts and that] round the Thrower to head for a touchdown! It was 1:1 but Pete had suffered a number of Injuries in the process. Substitutes were getting low.

I’m not quite sure why Pete has the ball again here, perhaps this was after our third Touchdown when I went on the Offensive and made it 2:1

As you can see though I only have one reserve left so these guys were going to have to stay on their feet. The Elves would eventually get all the way to the End Zone, with a Catcher waiting and the Thrower just miss-timing his throw for it to go wide. The Skaven managed to pick the ball up on the run and head down field

By this stage the Elves had also suffered a Fatality, six injuries and a bunch of KO’s

The Skaven were fairing a little better with only four Injured alongside their dead team mate.

The Ball is in the wrong place here, it had fallen off a base. I had managed to get quite a few Skaven in scoring positions.

The ball was actually scattered into one of the spaces in front of the End Zone and eventually the Blitzer managed to pick the ball up

and complete a pass to the Catcher.

Both PeteB and I agreed this was the most fun we’d had in a long time gaming. I’m still not sure if we should adopt the current rules system. 2nd Edition allows you to move every model you have the current rules mean any time you fail in your action the game turns over. I’m not sure which system works the best but given I had only 8 players left standing and Pete only 6 clearly being able to lose so many, which wouldn’t have happened if just one model had failed their block, forcing a turn over.

We’ll definitely have another game, I just need to finish the Elves and look to get that Treeman so we can both have a Big Guy.

Flufftastic – Hive Fleet Gorgon – Ferron Splinter Fleet – Termagants

One of the most common Tyranid Bio-forms to have infested Ferron Proxima is the Termagant ‘Gauntii Virago‘ Although seemingly without number these beasts, up until now, appeared to have had a maximum population level. This evolutionary ceiling has been attributed to the limited numbers of ‘brood mothers’ that spawn the gaunts. Additionally, the Hive Mind is actively utilising it’s available bio-matter and unbelievably it’s alien intelligence is ensuring it does not commit it’s resources to what is essentially a very limited beast.

That’s not to say Termagants are not a threat to the population, bio-magi data suggests that there may be many more gaunts secreted in the catacombs and underground spawning chambers that the Hive Fleet has started to fortify. There were rumours that the Tervigons might have evolved new reproduction methods that would increase their ability to spawn in larger numbers. There is no evidence of this happening in the wild yet but the Dark Angel and Planetary Defence Forces that are currently containing their incursion have started to bolster their defences in readiness of any increase in their numbers. This hypothesis has since been disproved and those bio-magi that posited such a theory and ‘spread their heretical works’ to the Ferron public have thankfully been lobotomised and put to serve the Emperor as Servitor drones within the mining fields of Utarr Equinox Gamma.

Most these gaunts are born fully formed with their own symbiotic weaponry. Initially within the early stages of their infestation of Ferron Proxima – despite the shock of birth they are spat like projectiles from the Tervigon’s womb, immediately moving on, shooting their obscene bio-weaponry and even attacking innocent citizens of the Emperor. The abomination has even been witnessed whereby they have literally been shot out of their brood mother onto battlements and defended buildings. The staunch faith of these brave soldiers kept them alive to tell of the horrors witnessed. Having passed on this vital knowledge the Inquisition gratefully bestowed the ‘Emperor’s Peace’ on them with summary executions so they could not spread the foul knowledge to the citizens of Ferron Proxima, their names subsequently added onto the ‘Ferron Roll of Heroes’ for services to the Emperor.

However, more recent observations have shown the vitality of a newly spawned Termagants has been greatly reduced. The creatures are spawned ahead of it’s progenitor and have been programmed only to to stand and fire their organic weaponry or advance in numbers to press home and attack, thus drawing attention away from their brood mother by being the more immediate effect. This new directive by the alien mind shows they are adapting, and thinking in patterns even the most senior Bio-Magi cannot yet comprehend. Their future in solving the alien menace depends on them getting to the bottom of this behaviour.

Another point of note is that these Termagants are highly mutable, often having enhanced strength or poisonous sacs that will lay low any human. Some of these bio-morphs can be traced back to their progenitor but equally some seem to be vestigial growths whose only purpose can be surmised as to keep track of it’s various offspring. Again, such observations could be seen as heretical, even the concept that there is an intelligence behind the Xenos filth’s actions is tantamount to balsphemy. However, some members of the Ordo-Xenos have sufficient powers to grant the Bio-Magi currently observign the nature of this alien scum the licence to postulate such radical theories.

Termagants are considered one of the lower life-forms that make up the Tyranid menace but they must not be underestimated. The people of Ferron Proxima will face more of these creatures in the future and it is up to the staunch defenders of Ferron Proxima to stamp out their taint on the red planet.

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