A freebie – Tyranid Psychic markers

Yes, yes, yes I know it’s time to stop bemoaning the fact we’ve lost the number 1 competitive edge we had as a force – Biomancy [question, what other races have access to that power?] and embrace the wonderful Tyranid Codex Powers of 2010, repackaged and reheated for 2014, lets hope we don’t get Salmonella 😉

So I give you some ‘fresh’ ‘new’ totally FREE markers to keep up to date on what your bugs are doing. Sadly they only require 4 now, Warp Blast doesn’t require one and if you can ever find someone who’s not Fearless then you shouldn’t need a reminder that you’ve pinned a unit, the shock will take care of that.

Just a reminder of my Patented method of constructing your own markers:

  1. Print
  2. Apply double sided tape to back
  3. Stick to mounting card
  4. Carefully apply sellotape to top if you want them pseudo-laminated
  5. Cut out with craft knife/scalpel
  6. Amaze your friends and enemies with these awesome Tyranid Psychic Markers
  7. Tell them to visit 40kaddict.blogspot.com for their own free markers.

10 thoughts on “A freebie – Tyranid Psychic markers

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  1. Hey been following you for a while now as a lurker. Might as well make it official. Thanks for these they are pretty slick! I printed them oit and stuck them to a few odd oversize D4s I had lieing around.


  2. The first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem 😉 Cool Idea with the D4s, do you have any pictures? I'm always interested to see what people do with the things I produce, so far I've seen some cool takes on my terrain but still never seen my Wound Markers used in anger in a battle report.


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