‘nids part 96 – Tyranid Bastion growth pt17.

We’re going crazy here on 40kaddict, we’re just going to roll this out a shedload of updates in one go, although it may get a bit de-ja-vu for you folk, although aren’t nids pretty much de-ja-vu – I’m sure I’ve painted this Termagant before? I actually took pictures of each Chitin plate as it was done but somehow seem to have lost a shot here and there but lets face it you’ll get the picture in the end. First Chitin plate, the biggest, took half an hour to paint, thankfully they got quicker as I went along.
The real problem was that once again with the knowledge of how long each plate took I could once again foresee the work and time involved and the road ahead seemed quite daunting as I knew I couldn’t paint more than 60-90 minutes straight before I stabbed my paintbrush in my eyes.

By this stage you’ll notice on the third plate in the top left pic I’d taken to quickly edging in the other plates, leaving extending all the striations to when my hands weren’t getting a bit jittery with fatigue.

I was also using my cocktail sticks to get the dots, one cut in half, one just the point and one cut half-way down the taper so I had three gauges of dot. A lot quicker but still a bit fiddly to keep swapping sticks even doing all the dots one gauge at a time.

Of course it would have been quicker still if I’d left the dots to the end but then I wouldn’t have had it miraculously paint before your eyes.
One thing of note is this thing was awkward to manoeuvre, especially with the Deathspitters in place. I was wearing my latex gloves to try and cut down on finger prints and also had a towel in my lap so that the bastion could be cushioned in some way, the towel conforming to the shape of the tower for a bit more support.
I’m not sure at what pint I noticed a turquoise thumb print on the bone areas, I was a bti freaked out having accidentally stuck my thumb in the paint on the palette. I quickly fixed the errors but it was only when I went to take a picture of the next plate done I noticed the same thumb print on the bottom of my phone!
I nearly cried, furiously trying to remove the paint from the plastic and chrome and even then you could still see a thin seem of turquoise in the joins. Even a scalpel blade couldn’t remove it, thankfully some thin paper managed to get in the crack but I was pretty freaked out.
By the last tower I’d managed to try and do 20-30 minutes in a morning at the weekend, or straight after tea and then a bit later on and then finally last thing at night.

Breaking it up into short chunks was the only way to go and eventually they were all done, all four towers and all four guns too. The only problem, I had to do all the second highlights too [don’t worry I’ve not got pics of that] and I knew it would take just as long, if not longer.

For that reason I decided to take it out and play Ben at this stage and then when the call to Battle Brothers came along it was the impetus needed to make sure it got done regardless of how mind-numbing the plates were to do, although saying that because they’re actually very simple I’d still rather do this than another Tervigon 😉
A bit late but I finally did see if 10 Devgaunts can fit in the top, and they can if they stick their guns over the battlements. Not sure how LoS will work in this situation,

But this guy’s not complaining. Will have to check and see how many ‘normal’ figures will fit in it – 14 cultists, 15 if I have their bases ‘stacked’ a little bit. Not bad a concession for thick walls from the 18 that can fit on an Imperial bastion and considering it’s longer in one dimension.

So here we go, the last update before the final pics. All I have left to do here is the black  and bonewhite Spinefist bits. Pink tentacles, fire point teeth/claws, eyes on the weapons – all the fiddly details and then it’s varnish, gloss varnish and Tamiya Clear Red X-27

Tyranid Bastion Foamboard core template part 1. | part 2. | part 3. | part 4. | part 5. | part 6. | part 7. | part 8. part 9. | part 10. | part 11. | part 12. | part 13. | part 14. | part 15. | part 16. |

Battle Brothers Game 1 – Tyranids Vs Imperial Guard/Space Marines

A few days ago you’ll have seen a battle report for the Relic against Ben’s Imperial Guard/Ork list with my Bastion taking centre place. And now you get a similar rematch at Battle Brothers, only this time I made sure to position the Bastion in such a way as I get the benefits without preventing my own force from getting to the objective, see how we get on in game 1.

Psychic Powers
Winged Tyrant HQ Tervigon CC HQ Tervigon Plain Tr Tervigon Adrenal Tr
Iron Arm Iron Arm Warp Speed Iron Arm
Smite Life Leech Endurance Endurance
Doom of Malan’tai

 Psychic Shriek

The low down:

  • The Relic.
  • Dawn of War
  • We won deployment and went first.
  • Warlord Trait – Strategic Genius – Re-roll reserves
We were up against Alistair who had travelled from Adelaide Australia, although we couldn’t rib him for the Ashes as he had a British passport. He was fielding both sides of his army, which made me think Dan could have done the same but he was adamant he was happy having asked for a Battle Brother. Anyway, Dan had the Defenders of Vogan, an Imperial Guard/Imperial Fists force.
 I don’t have a list but there was a Demolisher, Storm Talon, some mortar behind the ruins in front of him Aegis [which he artfully employed to get two layers of cover saves, Quad Gun Vet Squads and some Rough Riders!

Interesting how the Aegis doubles back, no? And he also maxed out his back field making it very difficult for the Doom or any other deep strikers to make an impact.

As you can see we pressed forwards, my Tervigon spawned 9, which headed towards the Relic, the other 11 went through the woods. Dan spawned out on 14. The HQ Tervigon spawned out on 5! and failed his Iron Arm roll with 11.

By the end of turn 1 we’d surrounded the Relic with Dan’s Devgaunts holding the Bastion. We managed to take down a few of the front rank of Imperial Guard [I think with the Hive Tyrant swooping through the ruins on the left] but the ADL was quite efficient in saving their behinds, although the Commissar shooting one of them dead did prevent them running off the board

Alistair repositioned his forces.

My vanilla Tervigon takes a wound, despite Endurance and four of my gaunts are killed alongside four of Dan’s, that Relic is looking slightly more accessible now.

The Defenders of Vogan hunker down for turn two.

And all hell breaks loose! The Doom arrives alongside the Trygon, using the ruins as cover so his Quad Gun can’t target them. My Tervigon spawns 11 more gaunts and eventually picks up the Relic, he passed his Endurance roll on Snake Eyes suffering another wound while the HQ Tervigon fails his Iron Arm on 11 again! Dan’s Tervigon gets Iron Arm and his Termagants move up in support of mine, while my other 11 break from the woods.

The Iron Armed Hive Tyrant jumps over the building, I think he failed his dangerous terrain test but passed his save.

He shoots some of the Space Marines to thin their numbers. The Hive Guard blow up the Chimera on the left, First Blood perhaps.

Or perhaps this, the guard squad beside the ruins, get Doomed, Bio-Electric Pulsed, and Deathspitted.
Leaving that flank open and the Doom with a lot of wounds. My Termagants split either side of the ruins.

The Tyrant gets into combat, I think Dan challenged so he could stay in combat during Alistair’s turn and hopefully break free for ours, he was very good at judging this, I never think that far ahead, its always kill now, repent later! 

Storm Talon arrives, we have no answer to this. You may also notice there are no Termagants in front of that ruin, those las-guns were vicious!

Tervigon takes another wound.

The Rough Riders had very cleverly kept out of the Doom’s leech range, they get first hits in – they manage to wound 5 times and it saves all of them killing one in return.

My Tervigon spawns out finally on 16 sending them and the remaining 5 from the first turn on another suicide mission. The Trygon immediately after smashes through the ruins.

My Tervigon then takes the Relic and together with his non-identical twin head back to the hive, at the end of our movement he hands it off to it’s twin. The Devgaunts leave the Bastion and move to join up with the Tervigons.

HQ Tervigon Iron Arms up and smashes through the ruins

Hive Tyrant takes a wound and Termagants support the Tervigon.

The Doom also gets a bit of support and the Rough Riders hold their nerve against Spirit Leech. The Trygon gets to grips with the mortar and blows that up.

But one rider goes down.

The Storm Talon zooms off towards the board edge.

And my suicidal Termagants get their wish like their lemming-like predecessors.

The Hive Tyrant gets blown to pieces by Melta Bombs I think.

Despite +1 Toughness the Tervigon takes a wound and my Termagants are roasted in hot Promethium.

And buoyed by their success the Vets charge down the Tervigon, 

Only for their Sergeant to be eaten alive.

Having handed off the Relic my Tervigon races off to take charge of the Termagants

The Trygon heads for the Guard Command Squad.

The Rough Riders just will not die, they pass their Leech test and hold the Doom up for a third turn. We all agreed they were absolute stars of the game for Alistair. The Storm Talon breaks right and heads for our back field.

The Trygon eats the Command  Squad but is open to fire from, well just about everyone!

So not surprising he goes down.

The Doom sucks the life from the remaining horsemen.

My Tervigon is on 3 wounds now having typically failed his Iron Arm with yet another 11.

And I’m assuming a combination of melta and probably more melta puts it down, giving Alistair Slay the Warlord.

And by the end his back field was clear at least and some big beast had gone down.

But we had the Relic, Slay the Warlord [I think], Line Breaker and Firstblood giving us the max 6 VPs to Alistair’s 1 VP. So a first round win. I threw away some gaunts needlessly heading for the ADL instead of through cover and the Devgaunts didn’t do a great deal in the Bastion but we can’t complain with max VPs. Alistair was a great laugh too and Dan and I seemed to find a natural symbiosis with playing, We both were very comfortable with our armies and where we were deficient the other player had advice or their own experiences to support the decision making process. I was liking this format.

‘nids part 95 – Tyranid Bastion growth pt16.

Not quite as dramatic progress in these shots but that belies the effort involved. This is predominatnyl my Bonewhite on the walls.
I’ve lefs a bit of the sepia showing on the raise areas for some texture but all the grooves have been left in their washed state – there’s not point removing all evidence of these colours [even if it has ended up a bit ‘busy’ looking].

I’m not sure if the next set of four pictures have had an additional highlight added, it’s not immediately evident either way to be honest.

Suffice to say that’s what happened even if you can’t tell.

Next up Chitinous striations me’thinks.

Tyranid Bastion Foamboard core template part 1. | part 2. | part 3. | part 4. | part 5. | part 6. | part 7. | part 8. part 9. | part 10. | part 11. | part 12. | part 13. | part 14. | part 15. | 

The fickle finger of fate!

I had a a game with PeteB last night. He’s recently offloaded his Grey Knights and Imperial Guard and returned to space pixies, sorry Eldar. He’s also picked up some MDF for a battleboard but asked for me to bring my Terrain. Anyway this isn’t a battle report, I just wanted to play without the pressures of recording it and even with only 1000pts on the board it was 12:30am before I got home!
The point of the post is that we’d spent a good deal of time chatting about the terrain and moreso about the Tyranid Bastion. I’ve got it there on the baord with two Biovores inside. First turn it gets shot by a Bright Lance making it AV14, and then on the Building Damage table Pete gets a 6 +1 for AP2  = 7 DETONATION!. The whole thing blows up killing the two Biovores giving him First Blood and a VP for the Heavies as it was Big Guns Never Tire.
So, after all that preamble the Bastion was a complete bust, if I’d not had the Biovores inside I think I’d have been better off – a valuable lesson learned. Of course that’s the nature of the game in that the first outing the Bastion lasted the entire game, despite being repeatedly targetted and then at Battle Brothers I’m not even sure it was shot at once except for being hit by some Tau Markerlights. You never can tell.
Anyway, next update on the Bastion is tomorrow, although I apreciate there’s few surprises anymore but we’ll carry on regardless. 

1500pt battle report – nids vs Imperial Guard and Ork allies


Another match up against Ben and his embryonic Imperial Guard, this time I decided to give the Doom of Malan’tai a miss and wanted to give the nearly finished Tyranid Bastion a run out in the sun. So, instead of a drop-podding Doom it was drop-podding squad of 19 Devgaunts – 57 Devourer shots! I also decided to forego a comms relay and upgrade the Winged Tyrant with Hive Commander – for 5 extra points I get the same +1 to reserve roll but also get to outflank a troop – my Tervigon, which I thought would be entertaining to bring it on right in his back field, see how he likes them apples?

Psychic Powers
Winged Tyrant HQ Tervigon CC troop Tervigon Plain HQ Warlord Broodlord [Adrenal]
Enfeeble Enfeeble Iron Arm Iron Arm
Haemorrhage Life Leech Warp Speed NA Haemorrhage

The low down:

  • The Relic 😦
  • Vanguard Strike
  • I won deployment, Ben won first turn
  • Warlord Trait – Counter Attack in deployment Zone.

I’m set up on the left, obviously, I’d wanted to hid behind the Bastion and essentially use it as a ‘red herring’ he can’t target it if no ones inside it. I know it’s 70pts to sit idle but it screened my setup and I’d read about what Ordnance can do to them thanks to a heads-up from PeteB.

 Anyway those Storm Eagle missiles were going to be dropping so the Hive Tyrant sat in the meteor crater for cover but the Genestealer had nowhere to go so were out in the open.

Ben uses the Wall of Martyrs for his defence line which is quite handy as he can pick it up with the models still in place to move them to another table. Anyway, I failed to steal the Initiative but Night Fighting was in effect.

But the saving throws weren’t enough to save the Broodlord who was sniped out of existence from the Ordnance with one of the other Stealers. So much for putting him in the open, that’ll learn yeh!

Ork mob rushed towards the Relic.

And those foolish enough to venture forth were cut down by the Tyrant, Tervigon and Hive Guard allowing the 8 spawned out Gaunts to get within half an inch of the Relic on their run move.

Ben’s turn and the Dakka Jet and Vendetta scream through the skies the latter disgorging their veterans. The Dakka Jet shoots the Hive Tyrant out of the sky quite dramatically. BANG! First Blood to Ben and there  goes my +1 to reserve roles, that comms relay is looking better now…

Two of the Hive Guard had decided to occupy the Bastion, allowing it to auto fire [it may have killed an Ork in my turn] but this allowed Ben to target the Bastion which suffered a couple of penetrating hits and glances – killing a Hive Guard outright and reducing the AV to 11. Additional fire removes the remaining Hive Guard and drops another AV point down to 10. At one point the smaller turret shear off and destroys the gun pointing into my deployment zone.
Two overwatch hits fail to wound from the Termagants and I fail my Leadership to get Counter Attack off the nearby Tervigon. One Ork goes down to the gaunts. And in reply 54 attacks wipe out the 7 remaining gribblies, Ben didn’t even need to resolve more than the first 40 dice! Orks consolidate around the Relic.

Much like chess, he takes my Termagant Troops, and my Myectic Spore safely deviates backwards 9″ into the ruins, 19 Devgaunts jump out. The Quad Gun tracks the falling spore pod and I fail to save a wound on it despite the cover. Hindsight – later it was a good job it did land in cover.

The Tervigon arrives thankfully on the left hand side in the woods but the Ymgarls fail to wake up [if the Tyrant had been alive they’d have been disturbed by the Tervigon’s blundering].

Veterans lose a man or two to the Biovores.

So much for 54 attacks from the Orks, I got 57 Devourer shots on the Orks and the 3 remaining break and run, the Tervigon chases them down and kills them when they fail to regroup. So I’ve 19 Devgaunts within 6″ of the relic and only a small guard unit in the ruins to my left and the 6 or 7 vets over behind the Vendettas.

Ben’s turn and the Tervigon is targetted by three different units. Despite the cover save the first two manage to score a pair of wounds a piece and then third adds another pair leaving me with this dice role!

No more Tervigon – poor show.

Stormeagle missiles kill 13 of my Devgaunts – so much for their 4+ cover save! And I’m down to 1 Hive Guard.

Ymgarls wake up but the Quad Gun swivels round and blasts two of them to a pulp, so I check for morale and they bolt for home, except home is all the way round the defence line so they head east instead of south.

Tervigon HQ moves for cover and to try and get Linebreaker, Devgaunts move to glance the Dakka Jet and score 1 😦 I’d tried to get them to the Relic but their Move Thru Cover Role was 4″. I can only reach it on 6s and don’t want to be out in the open to all that Defence Line fire and missile rain.

Biovores pass their Instinctive Behavior test and head for the Bastion, they reduce the vets down to 2 who are pinned but pass their morale and are surrounded by two more unexploded spore mines.

Vendetta moves to kill off the Ymgarls, and succeeds.

Spore Pod eventually gives up the ghost losing Linebreaker.

The Tervigon finally take a couple of wounds, out of six turns it had five +3 Iron Arms and one +2

Biovores make it into the Bastion but not much happens with shooting, a guardsman here or there. Eventually the Bastion takes a hit and the occupants are reduced to snap fire shots only which the Biovores can’t make. The Hive Guard manages to impale the now recovered Vet who were heading for Linebreaker. Devgaunts get another 4″ move so I have to go for it –

And then they’re whittled down to one for their audacity!

The Tervigons bashes the Manticore to pieces. I have Linebreaker, it’s 1 apiece. We roll to see if it continues into turn 5.

It does, my last Termagant is killed, I can’t secure the Relic, and my Tervigon is shot to pieces with hovering Vendetta fire. My Linebreaker is gone and Ben gets Slay the Warlord winning the game 2:0

Well I’m not a believer in luck ‘per se’ but I think I was unlucky there. The Hive Tyrant wasn’t necessarily unlucky, it fell to the Dakka Jet because that was it’s purpose but the Ymgarls and CC Tervigon didn’t do anything worthwhile. The Bastion performed better than I thought it would given Ben’s use of Ordnance, he was less than successful with his penetrating dice rolls though. Devgaunts were brutal although I was unfortunate not get chance to Enfeeble the unit of Orks which would have seen them thinned quick smart. Biomancy was a bit rubbish this game, although I was better than average with Iron Arm rolls.
Genestealers did nothing, so in hindsight I think I chose the wrong side. I chose the board edge due to lines of fire when instead I should have chosen the other side because it was filled with 4+ area terrain! Anyway, it was a good game and it was nice to run things different. I’m sure this would be a bit more brutal with the Doom in tow in a second spore pod – I guess I need to address that issue of getting that done, it’s on my ‘to do list’ afterall!

‘nids part 94 – Tyranid Bastion growth pt15.

Another ‘3fer’. I picked up another new bottle of paint. My Vallejo Ultramarine has lasted a good long time but I was dubious about it covering all the Chitin Plates. So I picked up a ‘Docrafts – Artiste’ craft acrylic.  
The Colour is Bahama Blue. In actual fact there was another colour that matched the Ultramarine colour but I decided to pick something slightly richer. Usually the sepia and Devlan Mud washes bring about the extra tone in the blue but I’ve noticed on larger models this can be patchy so I thought I’d hedge my bets.

Next up washes.
I had intended to paint this old skool without washes because I just don’t trust Seraphim Sepia but I found out Army Painter’s Soft Tone is the same as Gryphonne Sepia so I picked up a bottle from my local independent game shop – 5 minute walk from work 🙂

Not sure how much was used on this, perhaps about 10ml in all, there’s at least 6-8ml left.

And some Army painter Dark Tone [Devlan Mud equivalent] in all the recesses and on all the plates.

The finish doesn’t look great but this isn’t the finish so I always reserve judgement.
It’s getting there though

Yet more pics, you get the picture, not sure what’s next, bonewhite or Chitin Plates – they should be fun. You recall I found the Tervigon tedious, will this feel the same?

Tyranid Bastion Foamboard core template part 1. | part 2. | part 3. | part 4. | part 5. | part 6. | part 7. | part 8. part 9. | part 10. | part 11. | part 12. | part 13. | part 14. | 

‘nids part 93 – Tyranid Bastion growth pt14.

How about a ‘3fer’ on the old Bastion? With the cat out of the bag on it I should be racing through these now and in the spirit of micro-blogging this is just the undercoat – Red Oxide Primer, it’s a much better coverage than my white so I’m with it. Also sand has been applied to the base edges.
And on to part two. I decided that given the dry-brushing of the base was likely to be messier than the actual painting to do the base in on go before the rest of it. It’s quite a bizarre sensation to see part of it 100% completely painted while the remainder has still so much to do. 

Most of it adheres to my Red Planet Basing formula, just scaled up and using some of my slightly cheaper paints. Additionally you’ll notice then Chitin plates received a wash, not sure why, maybe I was of the opinion that the blue wouldn’t cover everything so it was just belt and braces against seeing red in all the nooks and crannies instead of black/shadows.

And the 3rd part, just a base coat of BoneWhite.

And in slightly better lighting, but this is the culmination of 3 nights work.

So much for the micro-blogging!
Tyranid Bastion Foamboard core template part 1. | part 2. | part 3. | part 4. | part 5. | part 6. | part 7. | part 8. part 9. | part 10. | part 11. | part 12. | part 13. | 

Armies on Parade board, your help needed

This is a live request, I’ve interupted my usual schedule for a bit of advice. The original intention of my Armies on Parade board was to do a plain 2’x2′. Giving me the experiene of laying down some foam and then covering it in what I thought would be a good coating – PVA, flock and my vermillion art acylic. I was then going to use Red Oxide Primer to add some additional tones and then go about adding even more effects.
However, I cut my 2’x2′ from a sheet of 5mm MDF [8 mins spent on this already Warhammer 39,999]
And I also have these sheets of 1″ thick peach foam. Unfortunately the foam was originally 2″ thick and my brother kindly split it but the resulting rough side, which would be the top surface, would require a bit of finishing to be in a state I would be happy with. Additionally there isn’t a piece that would cover the board in one go so I’d need to add sections here and there. Quite frankly my current passion has shifted elsewhere and I just want to get this done and finished so I can move onto the other things and then crack on with the Dark Angels, I owe them.

So my new idea is to just go with the flat MDF and perhaps use that hill shape for a hill in the corner, I think I’d be comfortable just smoothing off the hill. Although I’m conditioned to think this board will be too thin, you expect at least an inch on these things but at least it will be lightweight and easy to transport – the figures are the key element for me, not really the board.
My issue is this doesn’t fit with the original intent, it doesn’t give me the skills should I wish to create my own Battle Board, although I’ve been considering just throwing the towel in on that and going for a GW Realm of Battle board as it could fit with Liam, Ben and Otty’s. However I don’t play at home, the eldest is no longer interested and can I justify £150+ on something that will get little use? Whereas if I made my own for around £30 plus time I can easily come to terms with that.
So what do you suggest I do?
  1. Cut my losses and get it done so I can move onto the cool stuff.
  2. Stick to my principals and put the appropriate amount of effort I planned to learn the skills just in case I make my own board.

MOAR from my mate Liam – kit-bashed Daemon Prince

A harmless interlude from my Bastion progress, we’ll leave the paint to dry before for alittle bit. So, lets remind ourselves of the insane creative genius of my mate Liam. This is his Daemon Prince which just won the Battle of the Brush competition at his local GW store in Bolton.
And here it is in it’s pre-painted nakedness so you can get a taste of the conversion work that went into it’s construction.
Some more angles, with a cork and cast resin base. If I recall correctly the head and perhaps the chain-axe ares removable and uses technical LEGO pieces for swapability.
You may also notice the black ring in the base, I think this is double based with a 40mm base fitting inside a 60mm [once again using LEGO] so it can be game legal and also super impressive for display [painting competition winning] purposes.

What’s on my palette?

A little over 6 weeks ago I did a little overview of what I was doing and how that was fitting in with my ‘To Do List’ and whatnot, the top four items weren’t even on that list:

  • Dark Angels AoBR Tactical Squad
  • Dark Angels DV Librarian
  • Inquisitorial vault
  • Tyranid Bastion
As you know by now the Bastion has been finished and having just played in a tournament what usually happens is I hibernate for a bit, sated in hobby glory. But I really need to continue with my momentum and so in the next few days I’ll take stock of the stuff I need for my next projects and sadly that means everything else in those list will have to go back into storage!!! WHAT?! Yes the poor old Dark Angels are still Unforgiven! 
I’m really quite saddened by that but needs must, hard decisions had to be made because despite my urge to finish off my Tyranid itch it’s still there. This is in no small part from the massive support and enthusiasm from readers and commenters on the blog and forums I’ve been showcasing the step-by-step progress. But why am I dumping these just as they’re getting good? Well…
Had you forgotten my Armies on Parade challenge to myself? Well that’s about 6 weeks away to do the board and I think I’ve got enough 1″ think foam to do the 2’x2′ section, with a hill so that will begin in a week or so, just need a piece of hardboard or MDF for the base first.
Then, if I’ve time I’ll try and make some Capillary Towers. I suggested it was possible with the Bastion templates and I’ll give them a go and maybe prepare some shorter ones too so we have a bit of variety. I’ll also use some coloured pop bottles so you can get a better idea of how the plates work.
And then I have another thing I may as well get on with while I’m in the mood…
That’s right my two Plasma Hatchers Mycetic Spores AND they ARE on my ‘To Do List’. These will be getting Chitin Plates on the base, like my own pod, some tentacles Milliput tentacles sculpted on [unlike my own pod] and crater similar to what I already have. These will be my secondary choice of pods for when I have to field two or more, say a Doom and a squad of Devgaunts in your back field – NICE! I want to try a little more Reserve shenanigans.
I’ve a couple of other long term ideas mulling around but not before September and as you can see 6 weeks is a big difference. I’m also going to try and get a handle on this micro-blogging lark, obviously not this and not my upcoming Battle Brother reports, but given the Bastion is complete and grainy shots of it have appeared in the wilds of Nottingham there are really no more surprises. When you add in the fact my painting progress usually runs the same route there aren’t too many revelation in that too. 
So I hope you don’t mind a set of brief descriptions to some picture heavy posts while I get on with the next project and if Warhammer39,999 is good I’ll try and time it all too. And there you go, you know as much as me… yeah right, you have absolutely no idea what madness I’ve got brewing and I need to get this junk out of the way so I can get onto the good stuff!

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