‘nids part 81 – Tyranid Bastion growth pt2.

The last post on my Tyranid Bastion had me pleasantly surprised that the surface area of my small crater was roughly equivalent to the rooftop area of an Imperial Bastion. However, I was unconvinced that the end result would match my concept. So I looked at the larger double crater and this is how the roof would fit, giving me some scope to taper the tower. Now, the base is big and it’ll be a slightly more imposing structure than an Imperial Bastion but there’s ‘the rule of cool’ and if my mate Otty can build a Mycetic Spore Pod that is 20x12x12cm I think I can get away with a Fortification of similar proportions!
This is the skeletal beginnings. You can see the height to the roof is 150mm and then you have a 20mm wall that will go round the roof with some ridges that will add a centimetre up to the 180mm max height with the Tyranid Capillary styled towers that form the compass points.

Here you can see it with miniatures for scale, including my Quad Gun. The rooftop currently will hold the 15 25mm bases or 5 40mm bases an Imperial Bastion can support but that may be reduced once the walls and sculpting has finished. Probably a small price to pay particularly as the occupiers gain most benefit when inside the Bastion as opposed to occupying the roof.

Here you can see the difference between the large crater on the left and small crater on the right. If I’d chosen the latter I may as well have mounted it on MDF as I’ll get little benefit of the crater effect to add to the design.

Here’s the top-down view on the small crater. I think this crater would also emphasise it’s vertical dimensions.

Whereas a substantial base at least would not automatically draw the eye upwards as there will be horizontal elements to compete. You can also see where the two additional cross-members that will help define the structure are to be placed.

Next up I’ll be adding the cross-members and probably be cutting slots in the crater base so that I can have it glued straight to the mounting card base underneath. Then I have to decide how to fill out the gaps between the frame and how to create the Capillary Towers.

Tyranid Bastion Foamboard core template part 1.

MOAR from my mate Liam – Scratchbuilt Warhound Titan

Otty’s Bio-titan and Liam’s Warhound go toe-to-toe
I’ve been carping on about my mate Liam [y’see I’ve dropped the links to his scratchbuilds there, seeing as they never worked anyway!] for a couple of years now. He’s a mad genius when it comes to painting and his abilities outstrip mine by a long way [although I do recall I got a higher grade than him in A-level art 😛 ] but it’s more than that he’s prolific on an industrial scale. Back in the day he had many, many armies for Epic, 40k, and Fantasy. Now he’s down to just Crimson Fists, Dark Eldar, Tau, Chaos Marines, and I’ve seen Elves and Vampire counts too although I think that’s still the tip of the ice berg.

Anyway, he’s renowned for his scratchbuilt Warhound and Warlord Titans and I managed to get some pics of his Warhound build, maybe one day I can bully him into starting his own blog or joining with me on this one, what do you think? Well, here’s the Warhound:

“She’s got legs…

… and knows how to use ’em”

Some heavy duty carving of Plasticard for the scrollwork.

and in close-up.

Weapons are scratchbuilt too.

Plasma blast gun.

Vulcan mega-bolter.


And the whole thing complete, non-metallic metals everywhere – I guess that’s one way to get some practice doing it, paint 20m² of Titan!
Still plenty MOAR to come from Liam, the guy is a hobby machine!

The Brood Mother has spawned – congratulations!

Just a quick shout out to Otty, Mrs Otty and all the little Otty’s who have been blessed with a new addition to the family – this being the reason we went to Throne of Skulls in March and not in May 😉 Y’see we could have made it there the other weekend, ha, ha!

All the best to everyone in the Otterburn household!

1500pt battle report – nids vs Imperial Guard

Another match up against Ben and his embryonic Imperial Guard, once again we did the full board density rules, this time using some of Ben’s fantasy terrain. Unfortunately I can’t find my army list with the Psychic Powers on, when/if I do I’ll update the list below:

Psychic Powers
Winged Tyrant HQ Tervigon CC troop Tervigon Plain troop Broodlord [Adrenal]
Iron Arm Endurance
NA Haemorrhage

Doom of Malan’tai

Forgot to change, so left him with Catclysm

The low down:

  • Crusade.
  • Vanguard Strike
  • I won deployment but elected to deploy second
  • Warlord Trait – Move through cover for ruins.

His Aegis is made of the dry stone wall and I have to say I was a little in love with the Autumnal Silver Birch trees cobbled together out of BBQ skewers and the leaves from the Citadel Trees he uses bare. I’ve wanted to do these Birch trees on Terra Genesis for years, got the flower arranging wire but just use it for other modelling purposes. Anyway I’ll get round to doing something similar when I’ve got time.

    So the Vanguard setup and Ben went first, I was fearful of his Hydra and Quad Gun so kept the Winged Tyrant off the board but still fearful of what would happen when he deep struck. Luckily no -1 modifier for reserves this game, just a big Psychic squad.

    Despite having a decent set of support powers I still chose to push the Stealers forwards, hoping for cover.

    My Termagants were a bit lazy, so much for ‘move through cover’ and that was my Warlord Trait too.

    Still, at least that wasn’t my Tervigon spawning rolls which were 8 for the CC and 14 for the vanilla and both spawned out. Everything else moved into whatever cover I could find but it was a bit of a parking lot. The Biovore took a shot but just clipped a single Guard behind the Aegis which absorbed the blast.

    Penal troops arrived on my flank…

    with a Vendetta closing in on the Hive Guard and

    Penal troops shot up the Biovore for First Blood.

    Demolisher shot came down on my Broodlord, insta-killing him and all but one of Stealers.

    Ymgarls wake from hibernation and luckily a prehensile tongue allowed the furthest to cling to the skullface so they would launch a retaliatory attack on the Leman Russ.

    The Tyrant swooped out of the sky, out of range of any anti air and deviated to only get side armour shots on the Vendetta but thankfully an inch short of the board edge.

    The Spore Pod missed being in front of the Aegis and deviated onto the Guard but moved to the nearest point it could, behind them. The Doom didn’t manage to Spirit Leech anything from the surprisingly brave Guard, no doubt boosted by Commissar Yarrick’s presence. Interceptor fire from the Quad Gun tooks some wounds on the Doom. The Mawloc also missed the Leman Russ and ended up roughly where the Spore Pod was aiming for.

    I think this may be my wound roll for the Hydra Flak Tank from the Mycetic Spore. Can you imagine after getting four 5s/6s I then just get just one glancing hit for my troubles!

    The Tyrant blasted the Vendetta out of the sky with his Devourers, 3 HPs and once again we forgot about Jink until it was dead, this time Ben took it on the chin and vowed to remember next time.

    The Penal Troops were reduced to 5 after being shot by Fleshborers, Impaler Cannons and Stinger Salvoes.

    Ymgarls lined up to charge the Leman Russ but after a 3” move from cover they could make the 10” charge even with a Fleet re-roll.

    The Guard repositioned some moving to surround the Mawloc, others moved out of range of the Doom and the remainder, spurred on by the Hero of Armageddon faced down both the Doom and its living transport beast. A torrent of las-fire left it with 2 wounds remaining.

    The Leman Russ repositioned to get a better shot at the Ymgarls. 3 of them were killed and the remaining two broke and fled.

    The remaining Penal troops in my DZ headed for the entrenched Termagants

    The Ymgarls entered the Synapse Range of my CC Tervigon, rallied instantly and later headed for cover.

    Guard charged my Mawloc, he got in one hit before being battered by Krak grenades [thankfully no Melta Bombs this time] and suffering a wound – stalemate.

    The Doom managed to kill a Guardsman bringing it up to 3 wounds. The Spore Pod’s lash Whips made Yarrick and 2 Guard Initiative 1 but some of the remaining Guard, not in base contact, were able to Krak Grenade it into a pulp before it got chance to attack [once again missing it’s opportunity to record a kill].

    Finally Yarrick got to bring his Power Claw to bear and took another wound off the Doom, leaving it with 2.

    The Mawloc managed to break from combat with the Guard and headed out into the open.

    Winged Tyrant kept out of range of the anti-air and added support for my home objectives and cover the imminent arrival of the remaining Vendetta. Unsurprisngly the Penal troops did not live beyond the end of this turn!

    Conga lining the Devgaunts I was able to get in range of the Guard holding an objective. With a bit of luck from 9 shots could I rout them leaving the objective unmanned?

    The Mawloc slammed into the Leman Russ managing to blow it up but without any wounds to itself or the nearby Guard.

    The Doom managed to Leech the life out of all but one Guard and Yarrick.

    The Second Vendetta arrived, dropped the second Penal troop in it’s shadow and then put another two wounds on the Mawloc. Aggressive fire from the nearby Guard and Veterans managed to strip it’s remaining 3 wounds.

    The Ymgarls were finally despatched by Manticore fire with the lone Stealer securing the objective alongside the Devgaunts.

    The Devgaunts had lost their front rank, retreating to the shelter of the Chaos Shrine, while the Tyrant finally set his sights on the enemy line.

    Termagants head for middle objective along with CC Tervigon which succeeded in casting +1 Iron Arm but with Perils. The vanilla Tervigon had also Perilled, either this turn or the previous and so did the Tyrant this turn or the previous. So I’d caused more wounds on my own Monstrous Creatures through psychic power than the Guard had inflicted in anger. So the Guard upped their game, putting a wound on the Tyrant who then fell out of the sky taking him to 3 wounds.

    The Doom managed to kill off the last Guard and put a wound on Yarrick.

    Vendetta repositioned and the disgorged troops headed for the Tyrant but got gunned down by the Devgaunts. Gotta love those trees!

    The Tyrant managed to survive he’d eventually head to the Aegis and the exposed vets were wiped out. Ben called it at turn 5. Yarrick couldn’t kill the Doom before he’d have the life sucked from him and he didn’t have enough to capture/deny the two objectives I’d claimed.

 Ultimately the Doom controlled the game, he’s become Ben’s Nemesis. He wasn’t targeted too much with high strength weaponry so there were no insta-kill rolls but coming back from 2 wounds to 10 can really shake your confidence. On the one hand assaulting him at least controlled him, ensured the remaining army could focus on other targets and not get leeched but with so many rapid fire weapons available perhaps it would have been best to move out of range and then shoot. I think I may try a list without him next time, perhaps swap in the Swarmlord instead!

The game was pretty much the Doom’s, everything else tried to weather the storm and hold the objectives but the Mawloc gets a special mention for failing in his primary task but at least taking advantage of his Hit and Run this time and then destroying the most deadly element of the Guard force – the Leman Russ. He essentially played as a Trygon, without the shooting and -30pts, so a good choice. The other pivotal element was all my reserves turning up in turn two. This does make me think a comms relay or the Swarmlord would be useful. Having everything turn up in turn 2 gave Ben too many targets to deal with and with the lone Vendetta and backfield Penal troops unsupported I could deal with that threat safely with the Tyrant while the forward push of the Ymgarls, Doom and Mawloc meant no one element suffered enough concentrated fire to destroy it completely.

Terrain is everything – Inquisitorial Vault progress

I’m kind of on ‘hobby fire’ at the moment. I’ve a number of projects I’m fiercely passionate about and somehow, despite some of the tediousness I’m motivated to do them. I’m actually very keen to get on and do my Dark Angels, the thought of painting them appeals to me although there’s still hesitancy about ‘how’ to paint them so I’m sidestepping that by attempting the Dark Vengeance Librarian – he’s blue so that’ll be different. 
But back to the post at hand is one of the other challenges my Inquisitorial Vault and as you can see the horizontal strips have been put on and you may notice they’re capped with masking tape, not cable ties.
Primarily this was because I realised capping them with cable ties is a pain in the a$$ whereas butting 4 5mm strips on a piece of tape, butted up and then running a blade between them is simple, effective and super quick. It also means the cable detailing will run in one direction only which will be better visually.
Horizontals in place and I believe this is why it becomes an Inquisitorial building. Without those extra bits that ‘reinforce’ the structure you can pass this off as an office block but with them it makes it look far more imposing and worthy of the Inquisition.

Here’s why cable ties are not such a good idea the creation of it requires you run a scalpel down the edge of the foam separating it from the card. You then make two diagonal cuts inside the foam to end up with |/\| hopefully with the interior peak lower than the card edges so that when you put the cable tie in it fits neatly. You can see I’ve also had to use pins to secure the strip in place while the PVA dries.
Unfortunately the verticals are taller than a single cable tie and the plastic isn’t always perfectly straight. I end up using a selection of clothes pegs to keep them in place until the glue dries but it can squash the now weakened foamboard. I’ll also add a spare bit of foamcard on top and weight it down to press the tie into the groove. It’s worth checking progress after half an hour to ensure it’s not slipped out and all messed up. It’s an insane way to do it but I’ve persevered…

It certainly makes it more durable, which is why I also need to cap the top and backs of the verticals as they reach the balcony. This way they’ll be more protected from knocks.

Here’s the first set of window caps. Unfortunately I measured them to be 100% accurate which doesn’t work in the real world. The cuts in the foam are not 100% and it doesn’t take into account the thickness of the card. I’ll tweak the templates [which is why the free Radical Collective can be a hindrance more than a help] but essentially the vertical caps are fine, but may need a little trim on the bottom row of windows. However the horizontal windows needed trimming by about 1mm each side but without removing any of the width from the shorter side of the trapezium – the bottom edge as we look at it here.

Handily these tiny wedges were useful in filling in gaps. You can see one in place in the the 2nd row down and 2nd column in the top right corner. I’d glue the foamcard, top edges then corners and then another strip of PVA part way then use a scalpel to pick up a vertical, force it into position and then add the horizontals. A relatively simple process.
The only real issue is it takes around 5 minutes to cap each window and there are 56 – 4 hours and 40 minutes. And lets not forget the 40 windows that will be in the Reformatory and the 32 that will be in the Bastille. Trust me though the repetition will hone the skills to this efficiently and it’s quite therapeutic.

200,000 Mark

Whilst I’ve been away in windy Wales the blog has hit the 200,000 views mark. It’s achieved the second 100,000 in considerably shorter time than the first but that’s to be expected because more people are visiting than ever before. Thank you to everyone who has bothered to pop along, read a battle report, downloaded a wound marker or built an STC. Admittedly this is a one man ego-fest for my own hobby addiction but the continued support of other addicts in the community will push me to create things worth sharing.

My next milestones will be along the line of 200th follower, To Do List 2013/14 or my October 3rd Anniversary, whichever comes first. No doubt I’ll see you then. Meanwhile you can still join my Facebook group here for more interaction and bypass coming to the site altogether, wait a minute, doesn’t that impact my page views?

And if you don’t believe it’s worth joining don’t take my word for it:
It is the finest facebook page in the history of facebook (not counting my own) 😉

Back to the blog, I’ve got a post lined up for tomorrow and quite a few in ‘draft’ but I’ve been away for a week in Pwlhelli  and a massive build up of hobby to catch up on which will eventually translate to posts. Service should continue as normal but I really want to spend time ‘doing’ while I have the momentum and motivation built up – who doesn’t want to see my Tyranid Bastion, Inquisitorial Vault or even Dark Angles finally progress. Thanks again for all your views, comments and patronage – here’s to another 200,000

Tuesday Nights Alright for Fighting (pt2.) – Adeptus Titanicus

As GW falls out of love with ‘Specialist Games’ it was only fitting that PeteB and I round out our evening after playing the Hobbit with some original Adeptus Titanicus action. I’ve plenty of Titans and weapons but we still struggled to find all the bits to arm our two machines apiece. Originally I’d planned to play the basic scenario of a one on one Titan match up but we went for two on two. As you can see the titans set up on Planet Spot with some of my future containers for cover. I’m nearest with a 
Left Death Bringer [6 Void shields] – Plasma Guns [3 barrels] on left and right carapace. Macro Cannon on right arm and Chain Fist on left.
Right Death Bringer [6 Void shields] – Plasma Cannon on left and right carapace. Defence Laser on right arm and Power fist on left.
PeteB had:
Left Eclipse [4 Void shields, but we upgraded them to 6] – Las Cannon [4barrels] on left and right carapace. Multi-Melta [4barrels] on right arm and Power fist on left.
Right Eclipse [4 Void shields] – Multi Launcher [2 barrels] right carapace. Las Cutter right arm and Defence Laser left.
Now this isn’t much of a report because its kind of hard to explain what’s going on, it’s not like 40k where you can see 5 Hormagaunts are no longer in the picture but I’ll try my best. This is us facing off across the board. 
The deal is you roll off to see who get’s ‘First Player’ they go first [sort of]. You put orders down, Charge, Advance, First Fire or Damage. Charge is double distance, one 45° turn -1 to hit when shooting. Advance is normal distance [around 6-10cm, thats right this is all metric it is the Horus Heresy afterall, no Imperial measurements 😉 ] and up to four 45° turns. First Fire, no movement, one 45° turn and +1 to Hit rolls. Damage orders may not move or fire, +1 to Repair Rolls and enemy titans receive +1 to Hit rolls. 
Series of play follows after revealing orders. If I’m second player with Chage and Advance, movement happens, Charge orders move first, First Player then Second, if no First Player Charges then second player. Advance Orders next if both have Advance First Player moves first then Second, you get the picture, it can be quite tactical, especially when you add in Snap Fire for when titans run from cover to cover [we didn’t though].
PeteB was ‘first player’ and moved out into the open. My Left Death Bringer took some shots, the Plasma Guns were brutal and stripped away some Void Shields. I think I thought I’d got lucky with which force I’d been handed per the scenario.

PeteB took some shots but whiffed.

Left Eclipse snuck back into cover which left me high and dry as my left Titan was on First Fire and now had no target and no movement. My other titan had a few more Void Shields stripped and one of the Plasma Cannons was destroyed.

As the right Eclipse closed to take advantage of his Las Cutter my remaining Plasma Cannon ramped up to ‘sustained’ fire – 20cm range, hits on 4+ and every hit allows me to roll again until I miss. I stripped his Void Shield back but not enough to do damage.

The Titans clashed and PeteB was able to destroy my Power Fist before it could come to bear.

Further damage to my legs meant I could no longer charge and can only make one 45° turn during Advance orders.

Meanwhile the left Eclipse came back out of hiding and went ‘Hull Down’ with the container. This means I get -1 to hit him in cover but because he’s touching the terrain he does not suffer -1 to hit me. If he was a couple of cm behind the cover he too would suffer -1. I stripped some more Void Shields back and damaged one of his weapons but he was able to repair some Void Shields [5+ during the repair phase]

Bizarrely the Princeps of the Eclipse decided he wanted to make the killing stroke at range and reversed. My Death Bringer with destroyed Void Shields and wonky legs went on advance and reversed, but shot with sustained Plasma Cannon fire and the Defence Laser [the most powerful very Heavy Weapon – 72cm range 3+ to hit Blast and suffers Critical hits on a 2+] and popped the kneecap of the Eclipse bringing it crashing to the ground.

My other Death Bringer had it’s Void Shield generators blown out too, it’s Chain Fist was damaged and so was it’s legs. Out in the open it became a sitting target and despite many shots for the now deadly Las Cannons of the Eclipse bouncing of it’s leg armour with no further cumulative damage eventually a shot pierced it’s now mangled VSGs and this chain reaction fractured the reactor vessel at the heart of the titan. In an incandesant explosion the Titan was reduced to slag.

Flushed with success the Eclipse began hunting down my hobbling Death Bringer who was struggling to get out of the alley-way of containers with reduced turning capacity. With no shields and limited weapons the Eclipse let loose with yet more accurate Las-Cannons and fearsome Multi-melta shots blowing out the damaged hip joint leaving the titan to stumble earthwards.

The field was won by the Traitorous Scum, or as the victors would then write the history the peons of the false Emperor were overcome through the superior tactics of the great Warmaster!
PeteB and I had so much fun. This game still rocks, there’s problems obviously. The Void Shield wheels are cool but they don’t work too well and when movement is in cm if you have to pick a model up to change the wheel you can easily change your position quite significantly when it’s returned to play. I really miss the old rulers, with the built in turning arcs. The damage table is the single biggest element/hindrance to playing. Obviously you don’t want a titan to blow up in one shot but it can be quite frustrating running through the chart. A lot of my weapons are glued on, this is why it was awkward trying to find spares and kit them out properly. I realised why after the about the 20th time I moved a titan and it’s weapon just dropped out of it’s socket, I think we’ll need to find a better mounting system.
We’ll definitely be playing again, perhaps work a better set up, paint the miniature so we have a few titans each, I do have 12 Warlords! Maybe get some scenery done and be better prepared all round. Next time it should be X-Wing and perhaps another titan match up.

A freebie – Dark Angel wound markers courtesy of Chris Gillboy


I was doing a search on my computer to find my 4th Edition Dark Angel Codex to see how they paint Dark Angel Librarians in it and the search pulled up an email regarding Dark Angel Wound Markers which I couldn’t recall ever reading. I think  the wife, bless her, must have opened it and therefore it never caught my eye. Anyway it was from a guy called Chris and I’ve posted the email below so you can see what it was all about:

Hi its Chris from the Lost Boys Club, you played my mate Mark last week with his space marines (and kicked his backside). Anyway, I was so inspired by your wound/hull pts markers that I decided to make some Dark Angels counters. I found a picture of the munitorium dice on google and changed it to green then coloured in the numbers using paint. Not as flashy as yours but i’m happy with the result. I only did up to no.6 as nothing in my army has more wounds/HP than that. Anyway here’s a copy of the image in case you wanted to put it on your blog.

Hope to see you at the club tomorrow


So here’s Chris’s markers for you all to use. I can’t say how happy this makes me feel. Chris could have gone the easy route, and I’d have still been happy, and printed out my markers but he’s actually followed the spirit of the blog and created something new for the community and is willing to share. That is the true ‘hobby’ ideal there and I’m pleased to present them below for all you Imperial players out there.

Thanks Chris, it’s emails like this that make the effort of keeping a regular blog worthwhile.

Tuesday Nights Alright for Fighting (pt1.) – The Hobbit

PeteB hooked up for a night of games, we’d hoped to get in a go on his Hobbit Goblin Town, march with the titans in my original Adeptu Titanicus and even use the force with a crack at X-Wing. Unfortunately we only mamanged the first two. I took photographs but I’m not sure what report they will make as the games were all new to me so details will be scarce.

First up PeteB made this awesome Goblin Town and threw me a curve ball on arrival anouncing he’s put it up on ebay! The auction will be over by the time you read this but at least we’re giving it a go before then. We played a scenario with a package at the back of Goblin Town surrounded by my Moria Goblins who were on a weekend city break to see the sights and visit the throne of the Goblin King. Their tour guide was an albino goblin captain Grinnar [?]. Bifur, Bombur and Bofur were there to steal their packed lunches. I also had the advantage that every turn I got to roll to see if a couple of Goblins joined the tour party on a 5 or 6.

I hadn’t planned to take a lot of pictures so you will see Bombur has already despatched two goblins and is now advancing on Grinnar, eventually putting a wound on him, only one left.
Meanwhile Bifur tried a different route and leapt daintily across the gap and went on to kill two goblins who’d dropped down to prevent him advancing. My Goblins couldn’t hit the side of a barn with swords or arrows. I also had two goblins who tried to leap the gap to stop Bifur’s rampage and one tripped and fell down the gaping chasm.

Bofur finally managed to catch up with Bombur but Grinnar had a snealy trick whereby he could swap places with any Goblin withn 3″ which he did and lashe dout at Bombur with his whip [or throwing weapon?] wounding him but the dwarves despatched the confused archer in his place.

Bombur made a dash for the back of the board but a keen eyed Goblin shot him down dead!

Bofur managed to sidestep Grinnar and headed fo rth lunches but was stopped by a goblin, while Bifur was surrounded by Goblins, with nowhere to be pushed back if I won this combat he would suffer 10 ‘to wound rolls’!

But with a mighty surge Bifur won, killing one gobline and throwing back the remaining four like they were tiny little green men [which they are!]
Grinnar snuck up behind Bofur but couldn’t do anything.
Bofur had even more Goblins try to bring him down.

The four Goblins rushed into Bifur, once again pinning him against the edge of the walkway.

And yet again threw them back but was unable to kill any.

Weight of numbers finally forced Bofur down the ladder and yet more goblins arrived on the tour mule to lend their support in defending the packed lunches against Bifur…

…who was beaten senselss by the yammering green horde.

Bifur tried in vain to bring the fight back against the Goblins but whatever happened that dice roll is never good.

Whereas half of my dice were sufficient to put an end to the dwarven lunch theives.

The remaining Goblins sat down for some nice cheese and pickle sandwiches and that night were treated to an impromput Goblin performance of the Spice Girls musical – Viva Forever.

A lot fun 😉 now on to the march of the Titans.

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